Allinea Lular



4 years, 8 months ago




  • Can shift phases of water 
  • Time traveler
  • Can hold her breath for a really long time


Allinea Lular

 PRONOUNS   She/her 
 AGE   20 
 HEIGHT   content 
 GENDER   Female 
 GUILD   Serpent's Hand 
 MAGIC   Water Wizard 

All about saving the world and learning everything she can. Loves her brother more than anything else, along with the rest of her family. Tends to be pretty bitchy and stuck up. Know-it-all to everyone except Tobi, who she loves to listen to. Has a superiority complex that is slowly being dwindled down. A positive attitude most of the time and a brave face for her brother. 


A water wizard born between two very seemingly important people. Sheltered most of her life, she knew nothing of hardship until the day her world literally ended. Alli went from being in a safe loving family of four, to orphaned and in a different timeline with her twin brother and two other strangers. Her and Tobi are stranded 20 years into the past with no hope of return. They and the rest of their rag tag team need to work together to form allies and save the world from the destruction of the kami's... she has a strong sense of loyalty towards her family and guild. If there is one thing she can't lost in this hard time, it's her brother.

Early life

Alli loved to wander and learn knew things. She wanted to explore every aspect of their guild hall as soon as she could walk. She took a quick interest in music and in water. Her brother could tell her things she could never remember... but she could create a way to see things in a different light. They made the perfect pair and were inseparable. When she finally showed signs of magical ability, her father was quick to teach her how to become a powerful wizard. She excelled rapidly, but never really experienced a lot of combat. Her brother was always there to protect her and help whenever she got hurt... she isn't sure where she would be today if it weren't for Tobias.


Now she is trapped in the past, her magical growing stronger each day. Her parents don't remember any of her childhood - but they're alive. Markus (Alex?) Rime, Lyren, and Tobi are always with her now... they're a team of unlikely people who seem to pick up more stragglers along the way. Each with their own unique set of magic, there is a rising pop star who used to take the world by storm. The combination of a wizard and a celestial spirit, Lyren came back in time with them to save the world. Markus is an ex-cultist of the deadliest kami - who is responsible for her parents death. He has sworn to work towards saving the world now instead of ending it. Then Rime, the ice god slayer, has problems with a kami of his own - his father. A cold and distant guy, he slowly begins to open up and realize where his morals truly lie through this adventure. 


Seth Ashenvale

Husband and stealer of hearts. 


Tobias Lular

Twin brother with with lunar healing magic, wants to protect his sister. Has had trouble finding himself, until he decided to go off and train under self proclaimed heroes. His confidence is rising as he takes his independence from his sister, while their relationship strains. He believes she is making the wrong choices, perhaps one day they can be close again. 


  • The ocean
  • Reading
  • Geometry
  • Animals



  • Disorder
  • Confined spaces
  • Electricity
  • Being wrong