


4 years, 9 months ago


Name Vinh
    Name meaning Glory
Species Weredog, foo dog
Gender Cismale
Age Mid 20s
     Birthday April 4th

Pronouns He/him, they/them
Nationality Vietnamese-Chinese
Occupation Library assistant [part-time], drummer
Sexual Orientation Gay
Languages Vietnamese, Chinese, English, Japanese [some bits]

Other Information

Personality For first impressions, Vinh is said to be reserved and quiet, but that doesn’t particularly mean he’s shy or anything — he’s just not much of a talkative person. He can also be hot-headed and easy to agitate most of the time, so it’s best not to get on his nerves too much.

Reserved: If you’re lucky, Vinh might actually mind his business and not start shouting curses at you for any little thing that you do that gets on his nerves. As said above, he’s not a talkative guy and preserves to keep quiet and to himself. If you try to get him to engage in conversation, his replies will mainly be short and blunt, a clear sign of him wanting to escape. The only times he actually talks is when he’s working at his job and talking to customers, or its when he’s having band-related discussion with his groupies. When he’s not doing either of those two activities, he’s usually locked up in his room with his music blasting out loudly from his speaker — or just curled up in his nest of a bed and sleeping. 

Temperamental: There are many things that makes Vinh upset, and it’s pretty easy to get him upset, too. The guy seems to be 90% rage at this point of time, he’s just chronically irritated. That doesn’t mean that he never has any good reasons to be mad, if you were to work at some shitty job with annoying customers then you’d be able to know exactly how he feels. Plus, being pent up in the house can’t be relaxing all the time, can it? Since Los Angeles, California is mainly just urban, there aren’t really that many places where he can get a moment of peace and quiet for himself if not drowning out all sounds around him with heavy metal music. The point is, he’s just angry.

Hobbies Drumming, playing the guitar, sleeping, boxing, taking a walk at the crack of dawn.

Appearance Relatively tall [5'9"/175 cm] and a heavyweight [84 kg/187 ibs]. Appears muscular, but isn't bulky. Long, silky red locks of hair that stops at the middle of his back, fades into lighter colors from the roots to the ends [hair is sometimes wavy from him curling it]. Forest green eyes with reptilian slits, eyelids naturally droop lazily, but not from exhaustion. His skin is tanned and olive-colored. Has three black stripes marked on both sides of his face, he was born with them -- an unusual birth mark. Has pointed canine ears that are the same hue of red of the roots of his hair. Has a dragon-like tail, which has a tip of hair at the end like a lion's tail, and embedded beige spikes. He has the ability to hide both of those features.

— A “foo dog” is a “mythological” lion-ish dog used as a decorative motif in Eastern art. Vinh, in his alternative form, appears as a stocky yet wiry canine with a primarily red coat, green, slitted eyes and two horns on his head poking out from beneath his mane of hair. Overall, he appears like a wolf creature, except for the fact that his ears droop more than the usual wolf and are more curved. A not-so-doglike feature of his is his mane, which is silky, sleek and is almost long enough for it to drag against the ground. His tail is also the same as a lion’s with the tip of it more thicker, almost the length of his mane. Both Vinh’s paw pads and nose are a solid black color, and so is his skin if his fur is shaved. His form also has long black talons that are longer than the usual canine’s, as well as his canine teeth, which occasionally stick out, but no more than three centimeters.
— Vinh’s alternative form, although canine, does not act like that at all. Instead, his behavior is more cattish than doggish, highly sophisticated and mainly solitary — he does not play fetch nor does he do tricks. He communicates in clicks, hisses, growls, barks and whines, rather than just the ordinary dog talk. 
— Completely unrelated to his weredog form, Vinh clearly possesses some type of ability to manipulate fire and heat. He does not completely understand this ability himself as he does not indulge in the activity of using this power and is mainly afraid to use it at its maximum potency. He’s able to breath fire, but it has some negative drawbacks (it burns his throat if he uses it for too long); his body temperature is higher than usual, but it does not mean he is sick — it’s “normal” for him; and he is also able to emit powerful flames from the palms of his hands.

Health Concerns Anger issues, possible mood disorder. Is a smoker.


 - Everlong by Foo Fighters 
 - Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters
 - Toxicity by System of a Down
 - Parallel Universes by Red Hot Chili Peppers
 - Dark Necessities by Red Hot Chili Peppers
 - Here