Mina ❀️‍πŸ”₯



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Mina

Nickname: Kitty


Species: Purtle (Species Owned by zodistars )


Gender: Female

Age: 14 (human years)

Sexuality: Pansexual


Partner: Leela (@//fernpillow on insta)

Kid: Candy


Likes: Cats, Bells, YARN, playing, smiles, small dark places, Birds, PANS, Cuddles, music, Dancing, her family.

Dislikes: Vacuums, water, bullies, being told no, being scared, getting annoyed/Upset/frustrated.



Mina has a very interesting personality, for she always acts like a cat. (That's how she got the nickname Kitty). Rather than acting like a normal Purtle she acts like a cat striving for attention and loving on anyone and anything. She is Sweet but skittish. Energetic but sometimes lazy. She absolutely LOVES music. And is Very silly and fun to be around. Although, she can become quite mature in some situations, more now so than ever, because of her beautiful partner Leela and her small child Candy. She has taught herself more self control and knows how to be serious. She can get frustrated in certain situations but usually gets over it after a few minutes, she can’t be mad at anything or anyone for too long.


Birthday: August 3, 2016