


7 years, 10 months ago


Name: Narcissus
Birthdate | Age: April 28th | 1026 yrs } looks the age of 21
Personality: He is pure and vain.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5' 1" (155cm)

❤️ Likes: 💔 Dislikes:
+ Himself - Being Touched
+ Madonna lilies - Being Restrained
+ Compliments - Being wet
+ Breads | Crumbs - Dirt
+ Warmth - Cold


Extra Information:

Please see the Mopefi species ref sheet [LINK]

His Moro Moro form is in the process of being created by Shiranova later on next month; I will update and add when it is avalible.



He was born from a wild Madonna Lily patch that grew just a ways from a pond. The first thing he saw was his own reflection and from then on it was his only companion he knew. He stuck close to any reflection, often returning to the same pond close to where he was born. He has only been seen by the public a handful of times, all of which they reported finding him staring at his reflection in mirrored surfaces, heance they named him Narcissus, after the famous greek myth of a boy who was known for his beauty and getting lured to his death by falling in love with his reflection, and the name stuck to him.

He has a small side story started, with that of a demon who found him, and caught him, was to make Narcissus his lunch, only to have fallen in lust with him instead.

This will update as the character grows.