


9 years, 3 months ago




"I'm the literal story of rags to riches."
Meaning of Name: Short for 'Maxwell' but his whole first name is just Max.

Other Names: Tiger, Asshole

Race: Nekomimi

Breed: Toyger


Current Location: America

Age: 22

Birthday: April 2nd

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Sexuality: Homosexual

Voice: ???
Personality: Shortest temper in the band as well the most emotional. Though he acts before thinking things through, he is caring in his own way.

Occupation: Drummer

Relationships: Raphael (bandmate; high school friend; fuck buddy), Rurik (bandmate; high school friend), Noel (bandmate), Levon & Bo (rival band; friends)

Likes: Hoodies, cars, gum, games, fixing mechanical and technical devices, drums

Dislikes: Smoke, perfumes, oranges

Job Description: Drummer of Crowned Headless Beast. 

History: Born as an alley cat, Max grew up with nothing along with his single mother and 5 other siblings. He fought a lot and got kicked out a few times through his time in elementary school. In high school, he hardly ever went to class and started working at a local arcade to get money on his own. Quickly he found out most his income was taken by his mother and the occasional theft from his siblings, so he left home to either lived in his van (given to by his boss, who also later gives him an old drum set) or in the back room of his job. While working, he met Rurik and Raphael who visited the arcade frequently and over time became friends. At the end of his high school years, he decided to attend classes more regularly and fortunately graduated on time. Once all four graduated, they decided they should try to form a band as they knew each practiced an instrument sometime in their lives, whether through pleasure or training.

Current Story: Still works at the arcade as his main income and still doesn't have a proper home, though his boyfriend Raphael lets him sleep over occasionally (he would sleep there all the time if Raphael's sister wasn't so spiteful of him). Until the band gets their contract they have been dreaming of, Max's life has been going down hill once again. He hasn't told anyone, but he is losing his job. His boss is sick, so he is closing the arcade and retiring for good, leaving the toyger helpless until he can find a new way to make money. He's so hopeful of their band dream to be realized soon before he will officially be a bum.

Misc Tidbits: Before hooking up with Raphael, he actually had a crush on Rurik first.