
4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Naoko

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Personality: She's self-reliant, malicious and ambitious. This isn't surprising considering for someone with her gruesome past now turning her into a over-confident biker chick 

Bio: She was born and grew up in a decent family in a city where she lived without worry until she was about 7 years old, but at that point things took a turn for the worst. She lost her home when it was destroyed after a horrible flood and was becoming an outcast. While perused by a criminal gang she had to survive in a brutal world but with her wisdom and strength, she managed to overpower anybody who's a hinderance and remain out of reach of danger. This has turned her into the woman she is today. While still constantly on the move, she now works as a travelling help for hire. By doing so, she hopes to find answers to the events of the past and finally find peace of mind she has never had.