Bara Miura



4 years, 9 months ago


Basic information 

Name: Bara Miura

Day of Birth: May 7

Nickname: Ba ba, Baire, Twitty bird 
Age: 27
Gender: Female

 Sexuality: Lesbian

Fear: Failing, her sister dying, not achieving her dream

Height: 5'6
Personality: Bara is quiet, calm and is very smart. Bara seems a little lifeless at first when you meet her but once she is by herself and you've known her for a while you can see that she has a few passions and dreams she wants to achieve but is being held back by her fears and doubts. Bara has another side to herself which is kind of like Rosie, Loyal and willing to help others and is generous.A sudden confidence boost Bara has much more life in her and is kinda sassy, this side of her is something you never see unless she gets away and has her freedom.

Likes: Reading, performing for others, singing and dancing, being with her family, visiting new places

Dislikes: Her job sometimes, blood, fights, spicy foods, the sunlight

Relationship Status: Single 

job: Assistant for a noble (Kalde Duscur on Toyhouse )

Something she'd say:

Gemstone: Citrine

Flower: Primrose 

History: Bara is second born of Fiko Miura and Somal Acheron and is younger sister of Rosie. She had her whole family for a long time had an awesome time while she grew up, they always went to different places and learned about new things and met a few friends as kids Rosie had way more friends than Bara, but she didn't mind she was happy with what she had at the time. The day of the accident Bara wasn't the same either she couldn't bring herself to be happy anymore she was already quiet, but she was really quiet now she was mute for a long time. She has tried talking to Rosie, but she had shut her out completely her and Rosie had fallen into a deep depression. By the time Rosie finally decided to change her ways Bara had already changed she as well, Bara become this lifeless person she did everything her father Somal wanted with no questions asked and never thought of anything for herself, she didn't want anything to do with Rosie she was mad at her for shutting her out all this time leaving her to be in pain all alone. She joins Rosie at the same school but for other reasons to please Somal not because she wanted too, or she wanted to close to her sister just for her dad. Bara had met a few people and Malakian, but she never did become full friends with either of them, she kept them at an arm's length not wanting to get any closer. However, things suddenly stop when another problem came up and everything had to stop there was a war Rosie joins it Bara wanted no part in it and didn't want her sister to be in it but she knew Rosie wouldn't listen to her, so she had to let her go. During the long, horrible years Bara was not doing great everyone was struggling to just live normally and couldn't do anything without being on edge she met Kylo Adachi, he was a noble and was one of the first people to have keep coming back to check in with her and her family even saving them a few times which she didn't like how he put himself in danger which then soon push Bara to learn how to fight a tiny bit. They start to connect and understand each other more and more as the years went on, one day Bara decides she'd work for him to repay him for all he has done which he agrees too. Once the war was finally over, she attends this party that was being held in the main city it was nice she saw all the people who came out alive however she couldn't stop thinking the ones who had died it really messed her up that day so when Rosie tried to talk with her one last time instead it turned into an argument things were said that they didn't mean but what Rosie said hurt her even more after that she never wanted to see her again and she made sure she didn't. That very same she went to Kylo and had him take her to his home kind of understanding what's going on he does so, and Bara never even told her family where she had gone to just so she wouldn't be found or contacted later. Now where days all she does is work for Kylo as an assistant for a while she was okay with this but it's starting to affect her in some ways, this wasn't the thing she wanted her dreams felt even farther away now and has no way of achieving them now.


Ability information

Her singing voice: Idina Menzel - "Small World" (Audio) - YouTube