Kurosu Kiyotaka



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Kurosu Kiyotaka

Talent: Ornithologist 

Age: 16 (skipped a grade h)

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her

Personality: Kurosu tends to keep an even profile, making herself known enough to be familiar, but still unwilling to share much. She does however, angle her questions so that she can get more information. Her current goal is to track down a mysterious person who aided in the death of her brother, and sometimes it shows. She won’t tell you how exactly he died though, and she’ll fidget with her scarf a bit before sighing and turning away. 

Backstory: Unlike her brother, Kurosu had a hard time naturally finding things that she was good at. She tried her hand at sewing, she was good, but nowhere near on par with her brother’s skill. So she turned to academics. She studied and spent time, devoting her time to the sciences especially before she found Ornithology. She too, wished to break from her parents expectations of following her brother. It wasn’t until middle school that her brother had died. And *they* caused it? She dove into her resentment and used it to fuel her into high school, skipping eighth grade, where she was scouted as an Ultimate. *Perfect*. She used this leg up to try and find *them*, but still, she couldn’t. It was as if they disappeared. Good riddance, I guess... and yet, she searches, still.

Quirks: yes she can knit. Has a scarf. Carries sewing needles in her back pack. Also carries ornithology books in her backpack. Is somewhat strong after carrying all her books.

Description or image: dresses horribly. Has no fashion sense

Name: Kurosu Kiyotaka

Talent: Ornithologist 

Height: 150 cm

Weight: 45 kg

D.o.B: October 12

Likes: Birds, Scarves

Dislikes: Wolves, Dogs