Dorcas Wayte



4 years, 9 months ago


i am light, i am light, i am light


Name: dorcas thessalia wayte
Called: dorcas, dora
Age: 25
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Race: half eladrin
Class: beauty cleric
Background: guild artisan/merchant

bright, young, beautiful, and practically gifted the chance of godhood - what better outcome could you ask of a quarterlife crisis?


Height: 5'1
Build: average, larger bust
Skin: warm medium brown, almost bronze
Eyes: dark brown
Hair: dark brown, curly/wavy, down to the tops of her thighs
Scars or Injuries: a horse bite scar on the back of her right arm
Apparel: simply cut, tea length dresses in the finest silks and brocades; brightly colored corsets as accessory wear; silk shirts with billowing sleeves; lace shawls and overcoats; suede and buckskin breeches, some with pearl buttons or interesting lacing; short cut jackets and vests; colorful shoes and boots of fine leathers and brocades, usually with thick heels; lots of big gold buttons; piping or trim on everything; either impeccable tailoring or custom made for her. jewelry is less fine than the clothing, the majority being made of bronze, glass, shell, and pearls.
Details: freckles, long eyelashes, little hands, back dimples. always finds somewhere on her outfit to fit a belt with a pouch. often ties a wide white ribbon in her hair, or tucks a flower behind the ear. wears a small golden compass on a thin chain. wears a custom perfume of orange and rose.


Personality: charismatic, bright, and magnetic. people just seem to like her, really! she isn't as enthusiastic as they are, much preferring quiet one on one time with loved ones. ambitious and practical, loyal once it's earned. vulnerable to criticism, quick to cry or overreact. rather short temper with most other adults, better with kids. strong taste for the finer things, especially food and apparel. strong talent for reading people and rooms, naturally empathetic and sensitive. likes to bring others joy, queen of the small but oddly thoughtful gift. easily develops momentary crushes, never follows up on such.
Mannerisms: maintains eye contact in conversation, usually sits with her ankles crossed and hands clasped in her lap, keeps excellent posture. hums when she thinks no one can hear. combs the ends of her hair while waiting for short periods. resting face is a little pouty.


MBTI: esfj
Alignment: neutral good
Likes: candied citrus, strange looking horses, warm winds off the ocean
Dislikes: silver accessories, mint flavors, cruelty masked as humor
Known Languages: common, sylvan, elvish, dwarvish, and undercommon
Education: comprehensive, with a focus on business and language
Hobbies: calligraphy, horseback riding, listening to people's problems, watching the ships at the port
Talents: getting her way, giving pep talks, money math, dealing with asshole horses, knowing what's missing from a dish
Pet Peeves: a lack of manners, spelling errors in letters, wet skirt hems or shoes
Ineptitudes: prone to fits of melodrama, suited to getting her way in an argument
Fears: dark closets, the small fish that bite your feet in shallow water, abandonment, dragonflies, fast-flying beetles and bees
Secrets: she writes to her mom in her journals, any truths about her personal life



dorcas was born the youngest of four, to an eladrin mother and a human merchant father. her parents were married for the majority of dorcas' childhood, until her mother derenna left the family behind when she was 14. her father, penrose wayte, is one of whitecliff's most prolific textile merchants, handling material and haberdashery from across prisca and the citystates. with her father often gone on business, dorcas and her eldest brother pietro were left to mind the family home, and grew and remain close.

widely popular and well-liked with her schoolmates and others around her age in town, dorcas has always had followers of a sort. her family name is well known in whitecliff, between her father's business and pietro gaining status as a local hero after a valiant battle during a defense of the port. she's never lacked for companionship, though despite the rumors, almost solely of the platonic sort. for years, dorcas has been regarded as a trendsetter among young women of whitecliff, helping drive business to her father with the city-wide modelling of what his goods could be, with the right tailor. she focused her studies to bookkeeping and languages, hoping her knowledge and aid would convince her father to give her at least a portion of the business. however, shortly after the completion of her studies, penrose announced that the second eldest, aldous, would be the one to follow in his footsteps. the pair left whitecliff on an extended business trip, in order for aldous to learn everything he could, and while safe, they haven't yet returned home. her third brother severin, a noted libertine in his youth, married young, covering for a babe out of wedlock. said babe has a sibling now, and severin and his wife clara live nearby within whitecliff.


as they all grew older, dorcas' friends and acquaintances married, found apprenticeships, took up their inheritances, left for florianne or beyond - and dorcas waited. at first, it was simply for her family to return to whole, but as their trip dragged on, it became waiting for opportunity. opportunity seemed to pass her by, and within time, dorcas turned where all lonely people eventually do: piety. perhaps dreaming of similarities, she pledged herself to emer, the lady of the rose, and spent more and more time at services and within temple walls. while she'd simply been as enamored with the young goddess as any other follower, it seems emer saw something in her, too. one day, the courier brought her lost opportunity - an invitation to the florentine academy of divine attainment! now, with a divine sponsorship at her back, dorcas is ready to finally start her real life.

