


4 years, 9 months ago


Pronounced "Af-ray-seen"

A creature known as one of the most deadliest creatures to those of magic-kind. It is fast, unpredictable, hostile, and has a venomous bite with a rarely known, hardly obtainable cure. 

This will be updated as I figure out more things, but here's some stuff for now.

Note: The different colors that are available range anywhere from a dark turquoise color to a dark purple. They don't go into the warm colors.


While the bite has no effect on humans, it can be the end of any monster or mage's life. The venom consists of extremely potent magic, as well as an agent that latches onto the monster's general magic (the magic that composes their bodies). These agents, once inside, start dispersing catalysts for regeneration in an excessive amount. As a result, the magic begins to use those catalysts, plus the potent magic in the venom, to replicate itself at an incredibly rapid pace. This magic then carries the agents, catalysts, and potent magic even further, allowing the cycle to repeat infinitely. 

For the monster, this entails deadly consequences. Their magic would not be able to stop generating itself due to the mix, despite whatever magic capacity the monster has. It would keep growing and growing until the body couldn't handle any more, eventually causing an immense amount of pain that is said to be the equivalent of boiling from the inside out. Eventually, the exponentially growing magic levels force the body to start trying to expel the magic, and it can do so by either forcing the monster to use its magic (such as in attacks) or by forcing expulsion through any available orifices (eyes, nose, mouth, open wounds, etc.) While it does relieve the pain, it only comes back when the magic regenerates. The body then tries to expel more. More is made. More is expelled. The cycle continues until the agents have effectively forced the body to expel so much magic that it depletes their magic levels to a point where the body and soul can no longer sustain, causing them to dust within minutes of being bitten. 

As far as a cure goes, the only known one is one that is known by one or two people, who have yet to perfect it. It is an serum created with nullification magic, modified to target the agents and the DNA of the Apharasine's venom, which inevitably ends up in the victim's magic. Once it has made contact, its magic nullifies that of the Apharasine's, eventually causing the whole process to come to a halt once it has circulated thoroughly enough. However, this also nullifies the power of the victim's own magic, making them incredibly weakened after. While it is possible to recover from the harsh aftermath, it takes a while to recoup entirely- weeks to months to even years, depending on what how far the venom progressed.