Basic Info


Genderless - Female pronouns


Plant Beast, very much Feline though


Usually massive but can pretty much be any size. Though she looks slightly different when she's tiny.


Grumpy, hungry, Mischievous, Loud, aggressive, Cruel


Feral beast, not too smart and goes off instinct


Carnivorous - Meat/Flesh primarily of still-living creatures. Can also Photosynthesize




Chaotic Evil


Originally born in the swamp alongside her brothers and sisters, she always had a difficult time interacting with the others. Her extreme aggression started early as she would chase around her family members and ram into them repeatedly while her "play-fights" would be less playful and more-so savage. As she grew older she became a powerful guard for her family unit's territory, though she would often be left alone and given space as she held a tenancy to turn on her own allies. She ended up being chased out and shamefully exiled after having an extreme reaction when unsupervised younglings tried to play with her and she killed them. The desert is where she ended up after being chased to and is where she spent a good amount of time at. Though she would have withered and died early on had it not been for a Chimera that found her seed and unknowingly took her in. Because this Chimera saved her she shows only a fraction of aggression toward them compared to what she is normally like, and her full loyalty even going so far as to defend this creature from any that wish harm. Thorn lived among the Chimera and it's society until the one who saved her was attacked by the others and was forced to flee, Thorn protected them from being killed and left along side them. The two then made their way to the Swamp, Thorn leading the way there as it was the only area she was familiar with and securing a small but abandoned territory for them. She now takes care of the chimera as if it was her own kitten.


Cannot speak, Smells nice, Poisonous/venomous


I am very protective of this character and I would really appriciate being asked first before having her drawn (gift-wise). Thank you.

Art Overload Award


  • She doesn't talk but.. Loud cat noises.. Probably.