01. Feu LaCroix



9 years, 4 months ago



Feu LaCroix


19 [X784] | 26 [X791] | 27 [X792]


Race: Human
Role: Mage
Alias: Fire Sister, Foo, Crazy
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'6" | 167.6cm
Alignment: Good
Marital Status: Dating


  • Phantom Lord (Formerly)
  • Olympian Trio (Formerly)
  • Fairy Tail (Formerly)
  • Mermaid Heel


  • Blitz (Rivalry)
  • Dark Guilds
  • Tartaros



Feu is very blunt and to the point. She dislikes it when people "beat around the bush" and tease her about something. She's very protective over Glace and to those dear to her -- willing to fight tooth and nail to help them with whatever is bugging them. Feu is usually all talk but does have strength to back up her words. However, getting past her thick shell, Feu is very self-conscious and awkward.


Feu and Glace were born in Clover Town and grew up with their older sister, Brise. Brise raised her younger sisters and taught them how to use magic. She was the only thing the sisters cared about until Brise disappeared around the sisters' 14th birthday. Feu and Glace set out to join a guild -- to earn a living and to try and find their sister.

They became a troublesome pair in the ranks of Phantom Lord and one day met a lightning wizard who used maker/molding magic. Feu had an instant dislike towards Blitz but overall tried to keep a lid on her anger towards him as Glace kinda liked him. The trio made a name for themselves in Phantom Lord -- The Olympian Trio. Their combined magicks and techniques gave even the stronger wizards of various guilds trouble in dealing with them.

When Phantom Lord declared a war on Fairy Tail, Feu helped her guildsmen out by fighting as many members of Fairy Tail as she could when they appeared at Phantom Lord's guild hall. After hearing about what the Elemental Four did to Makarov, Fairy Tail's guild master, Feu was a little uneasy with stay at the guild. So she and Glace made their way to Fairy Tail's guild hall in Magnolia and tried to warn them about what their guild master, Jose, was going to do. However they arrived too late but still aided Fairy Tail in their fight against the Elemental Four.

During the fight against Sol, Feu had trouble standing against his attacks -- trying to protect Elfman Strauss and Glace from being attacked but was being overwhelmed by Sol's magic. Ultimately Elfman managed to beat Sol and Feu was grateful for the assistance. She and Glace informed him about Jose's plan. They left Phantom Lord and went to look around for any sort of job to do to support themselves. They didn't have much luck for a couple of months and ran into Elfman as he was coming back to Magnolia Town from a job. He offered for them to join Fairy Tail and so the girls did.

Both Feu and Glace joined Fairy Tail in time for the Harvest Festival. They helped out with the preparations as well as even joining the Miss Fairy Tail contest with the other ladies of Fairy Tail. However, unlike the other ladies of Fairy Tail, Feu got distracted by something and ran off leaving her sister to be turned to stone with the other contestants. Feeling enraged, she accepted Laxus' challenge and fought off as many members of Fairy Tail as she could. She joined Elfman in his fight against Evergreen but lost. Glace, with Mirajane following her, reunited with both Feu and Elfman only to getting into another fight and have Mirajane bail them out.

After the onslaught, Feu and Glace joined Fairy Tail and got to work on various missions. Feu didn't feel like she was welcomed and was busy either on a job request or training. The two continued to be on missions together until Mirajane suggested they try to make some friends within the guild. Feu, being her usual stubborn self, was against it at first and was more into just trying to find her older sister, Brise. Though that caused her and Glace to get into an argument and Feu knew her sister was just being as stubborn as her decided against angering her sister any further. In the end, the two split up for a couple of days, blowing off steam and trying to do their own thing.

During the couple of days without Glace, Feu got to know Elfman and Gajeel better. She also became pretty friendly with Erza and Natsu, along with other members of Fairy Tail without meaning to. Feu was messing around with Natsu and Erza when she heard that someone was trying to fight a snow vulcan. She had an idea on who was involved and quickly made her way to where the fight was going on. When she arrived, she saw Glace having a tough time fighting the vulcan and helped her out. They said their apologizes and went back home.

Sometime later, after completing a few jobs and getting used to their new home, both the sisters got involved in the journey to Edolas. They were returning from a job when they saw that Magnolia had disappeared into beam of light. They ran into Mystogen, who explained what happened, and then were sent to Edolas to help Natsu and the others get their guild mates back. They traveled with Gajeel, being the only friendly face they got to know and see during their travels. They helped Gajeel gather information on where the rest of Fairy Tail and Magnolia Town had gone to. Once they found where everyone was, they helped Gajeel try and free Gray and Erza. Once they were free, the sisters started to cause a disturbance in the capital city of Edolas to try and help their guild mates get to Natsu and the others.

Feu and Glace helped Lucy and Gray fight against Erza Knightwalker's men as they helped defend the Exceed. The Edolas version of Fairy Tail helped them as Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy were fighting Dorma Anim. As the fight drew on, the magic in Edolas started to fade. It caused all the magical beings and magic in Edolas to flow out of it. As the sisters joined the magic as it flowed out of the world in Edolas, Feu caught sight of a pair of glowing animals that were starting to freak out. So she grabbed them as they crossed over back into Earthland, their home. Once they were back home with their guild and their friends, Feu and her sister took a break -- and were intent on looking after their new furry friends as well.

Seven years after the strange disappearance of Tenrou Island, Feu and her sister stayed with Fairy Tail. Proving to their remaining guild mates that they are more loyal to the guild than what people had thought. They aided Blue Pegasus' effort in locating where most of the members of Fairy Tail had disappeared to. They spent their time looking for both their guild mates and their elder sister, Brise. Though they were unable to find either.

Their journey wasn't all bad. Both Feu and Glace also learned how to enhance they magic with the animals Feu had saved from Edolas. The animals she saved were actually organic lacrima. Something which seems impossible and weird, though given the whole purpose of magic and how many Lost Magic types there were, Feu didn't question it too much. Feu ingested the lacrima stone from one of the animals and -- after being sick for about a week because of the raw magic power in the stone itself -- was able to create more potent flames and summon a partner to help her fight. Feu and Glace trained with their new partners to become better mages.

Once their training was complete, they continued their search for their friends who disappeared. They returned to the Fairy Tail guild hall in X791 with Blue Pegasus. They waited for their friends to come back just as another guild was about to start causing trouble in their guild hall.

When the Grand Magic Games came around, Feu was looking forward to entering. However, her hopes were shattered when she wasn't picked for either of the teams. Although she did enjoy the games and cheered for her guild mates. Aside from whining about wanting to enter the games, the most notable thing that occurred, was Feu teasing Glace for her noticeable crush on Lyon Vastia. Though Glace got her back by tormenting Feu over her sudden interest in Laxus. During the fights he was in, Feu was absolutely taken by his fighting and prowess. She did develop a sort of crush towards him, even more so after talking to him at The Grand Ball when the Games were concluded.



Brise LaCroix

[ Older Sister ]
Feu's older sister and mentor. Brise taught her and Glace how to use elemental requip magic and after her sister's disappearance, Feu's made it her goal to try and find her. Feu looks up to Brise as both a sister and maternal figure -- seeing as Brise raised her and Glace.

Glace LaCroix

[ Twin Sister ]
Glace is Feu's twin sister and all Feu cares for Glace's safety. Feu places herself in harm's way all the time, trying to give her sister some leeway to run and hide or get backup. However Feu is Glace's source of courage -- Feu's actions make Glace more and more confident in herself. So if and when Feu gets in trouble, Glace will always be there to back her sister up. Feu is always there to cheer up her sister and make sure she's not sad or upset about anything -- which is something Glace herself admires.


[ Partner | Familiar ]
Feu's animal partner that helps her cast fire magic. Cinder is an ordinary dog but takes after Feu a little -- overprotective of both Feu and Glace and anyone perceived as their allies.

Laxus Dreyar

[ Friend | Boyfriend ]
Feu and Laxus had a few chances at meeting each other before Feu joined Fairy Tail; albeit it was through skirmishes with Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail. After joining Fairy Tail, Feu began to detest him even more simply for his attitude, towards her and her former guildmates, and even because he used lightning as his main form of magic. Sometime after openly seeing how they're able to help the members of their guild, they became close though no one is truly sure whether or not the pair either like each other and don't know it or they just love to argue and get on each other's nerves. Whatever the case, Mirajane enjoys teasing Feu about it.

Elfman Strauss

[ Close Friend ]
Feu actually likes Elfman and respects him. She likes his bravado and strength. She appreciates how he genuinely cares for her and her sister and even goes the extra mile in looking out for Glace too. The two are often seen sparring, hanging around the guild hall, or even arguing about who's more of a man. Feu also likes having around Elfman because Glace does.

Mirajane Strauss

[ Relationship ]
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Gajeel Redfox

[ Close Friend ]
Feu and Gajeel are pretty competitive and get along more after joining Fairy Tail than when they were apart of Phantom Lord. Though their relationship started out awkward, seeing one another as rivals only pushed their friendship. Feu does have an immense admiration towards Gajeel though for being really strong and passionate. She hopes to one day be as strong and passionate as he is but until then, she's looking forward to sparring against him on nearly a daily basis.

Erza Scarlett

[ Friend ]
Feu has a great admiration for Erza's legendary prowess. She sees Erza as both an ally and someone to aspire to. She's challenges Erza to fights almost as much as everyone else in Fairy Tail does. Even though Feu loses more often than naught, she does love the challenge and lessons she learns from each session. She looks up to Erza as a big sister type and is always trying to get her approval -- sometimes in a very comical manner. She hopes to one day beat the legendary Titania but knows the likelihood is far from it. Either way, being able to be friends Erza is good enough for Feu.

Blitz Krieg

[ Friend | Rival ]
Feu's main reason on why she hates people who use lightning magic. Blitz and Feu argue and fight about just anything and everything. She hates how he constantly makes advances towards Glace. After leaving Phantom Lord, their relationship changed from hating one another to being rivals. She pushed Blitz to join another guild in hopes that the next time they see each other they'll be able see who's stronger. She also gave Blitz Flash, seeing as she was unable to give the feline away in Fairy Tail.

Magic & Trivia

Magic Type

  • Requip Magic

The Mercenary Feu's requip magic allows her to transform the dagger she has into spears and two-handed swords. She's able to use her brute strength to easily demolish her foes in any given circumstance. She loves being in people's faces and thrives in close combat. She excels at using two-handed weapons with ease but that's not the only thing she's known for. Unlike most requip mages, Feu's able to imbue fire with her magic, making it more destructive and boosting her raw strength. She claims to have a handful of weapons on hand but she's usually seen wielding her signature claymore.

Elemental Magic

Hellfire Flames Feu's fire magic was given to her from a fire lacrima she picked up in Edolas. Though this lacrima appeared as a magical animal. Once Feu learned how to use the magic itself. Although she does have some experience using fire magic through her requip magic, she's able to use it more freely and without having to use her swords as a medium. She can use the fire magic mostly through punches and kicks, similar to Natsu's Dragon Slayer Magic, but to a less violent degree. She mostly channels her fire magic into her fire to deal more damage and to create obstacles for her foes. Combined with her sister's magic, she's hard to stop. Feu is also able to summon her magical animal, Cinder, to aid her in her fights. Cinder appears mostly to aid Feu if her sister isn't around. Because of the fire lacrima and Cinder's influence on Feu's fire spells have increased in their potency. So the spells was able to use below (mainly the first four), she can now use without the use of her sword. The last five are, more or less, an expansion of her and Cinder's ability to work together in unison.

  • Fire Magic

>Feu's fire magic is advanced enough to allow her the ability to combine it with her requip magic. However, while she uses her swords and spears to inflict damage, she's also able to use her fire magic to inflict damage or even heal some wounds. Her magic isn't strong like Natsu's or other fire mages, but it's enough to get the job done. Feu, like her sister, later gains the ability to use stronger fire magic and enable her requip magic to be more powerful but until then, for the most part, she knows only a handful of spells that increase her strength.

After Feu ingests fire lacrima she picked up in Edolas, her flames are immensely more powerful. She's able to use them without the use of her requip magic and often uses them when she's in a fist fight. Her flames provided to her by the fire hound, Cinder, enhance her fire magic and Cinder is able to appear at her side to fight with her whenever. Although she doesn't overly rely on Cinder's aid and tends to use it in unison with her requip magic.


  • Brilliant Pyre: A spell Feu often uses with her claymores. As she slashes at her foes, Feu's blade in engulfed in flames. She then slams her sword into the ground to create a pillar of fire that inflicts damage to those in front of her.
    • Brilliant Flame: An enhanced version of Brilliant Pyre. While her any of her blades are all engulfed in fire, Feu's able to create devastating plumes of fire that sprout from the ground. They tend to look like a volcano erupting however when activated. By far, it's Feu's most used attack.
  • Everlasting Flare: With a slash of her sword, Feu's able to creates waves of fire to cut towards her enemies. She uses this more with her spear than her sword.
    • Waves of Fire: An enhanced version of Everlasting Flare. Feu's flames are enhanced to cause more damage to her surroundings and enemies. She's able to burn through various metals and through some forms of magic. Ex: Anything weak to fire. It has no effect on water magic. Like with her Brilliant Flame, instead of this fire being used strictly for swords, Feu's able to use it with any of her requip blades.
  • Dragon's Breath: Feu's sword in surrounded in fire, she raises her blade back and lunges towards her enemies. Once her blade touches the ground, the earth splits before her and creates an eruption of flames that cascade in the area around Feu. She doesn't use this as often but when she wants to rush a fight or try to end one. It's one of her strongest fire attacks in her kit so far.
    • Dragon's Roar: An enhanced version of Dragon's Breath. She's able to conjure a flame as potent as Natsu's Fire Dragon: Roar ability. Able to burn anything in it's immediate vicinity. She's able to use this with all her requip weapons as well. This ability is one of Feu's strongest flames by far and it's an ability she's able to use without her swords. However it's potency is notable as without a conduit to go through, the flames are more wild and less concentrated.
  • Phoenix Fire: Unlike Feu's other fire spells, this one is used for healing. She uses this when her spear has been summoned and once the incantation has been said, the tip of her spear glows. She's able to heal most physical wounds -- depending on the severity of the wound itself -- and heal all sorts of burns. She mainly uses this on herself or her sister for the most part but has gotten into the habit of using it on her friends and guild mates as well.
    • Phoenix Flare: An enhanced version of Phoenix Fire. Her healing fire is enhanced to heal more than just superficial wounds. When she uses this spell, she's able to cut through the people she casts it on. They aren't hurt and rather feel a an odd tingling sensation as the fire envelopes their wounds and heals whoever's injured.
  • Hellfire Hound: Feu's able to summon Cinder to her side. Cinder, who's initial form looks like this. Cinder's able to transform into a flaming hound. Anyone around Cinder and Feu gains a fire enhancement to their magic. When used in combination with Glace's Glacial Freeze magic, Cinder's flames turn to mist. Smoke is also a more common feature as well.
  • Phoenix Ashes: Phoenix Ashes is a spell that's able to renown the caster's magic power -- it can be used allies of the caster as well. It drains the remaining magic power the user has (anywhere from 99% to 1%) and will replenish or allow them to use their full magic power for a temporary time. This spell works better on allies of the caster as it drains the caster's magic to refuel their ally's.
  • Volcanic Eruption: This spell creates a wall of erupting flames to either defend from offensive spells or foes or to create a distraction to allow the caster to make a quick getaway. Feu uses this spell mostly to defend from attacks or to cause people to fall into a trap. She also uses this spell for Natsu if he needs to refuel since the flames are immense and intense.
  • Hellhound's Stampede: Hellhound's Stampede summons apparitions of Cinder's appearance as a Hellfire Hound. The three apparitions howl and merge into a gigantic three-headed dog. The beast then howls, giving it Feu's strength and might temporarily. She's able to cast spells at a quicker rate as well as increase the damage and range of her fire magic. The flames are more intense and destructive.
  • Dragon's Might: Dragon's Might is a spell that gives Feu the strength of a dragon. She's able to withstand immense amounts of physical damage and it increases her overall strength. Like a dragon, she can't be moved nor will her strength wane. Though the spell is temporary, Feu's able to aid her allies if they're in trouble or in a pinch.
  • Phoenix's Wrath: Phoenix's Wrath, like the previous two spells, also enhances Feu's magic. However, unlike the previous spells, Phoenix's Wrath gives all of Feu's fire spells healing attributes. If an ally gets in the crossfire of her flames with this spell activated, Feu's able to heal and restore their magical power. Like the previous two spells, this one is temporary as well and enhances all of Feu's fire magic.

Abilites and Strengths

  • Swordsmanship: Feu knows she's a competent swordsmen but doesn't see herself as a master at. She knows there's always room for improvement with her skills and tries to even point out her own mistakes when she's fighting. She loves to challenge herself when it comes to getting stronger. She's often seen sparring with her sister or by herself but knows engaging in more jobs and fights will make her a better fighter.
  • Longarm: Like her swordsmen abilities, Feu sees herself being less than highly skilled at using them. She knows she's probably better with it than she gives herself credit for but it doesn't hurt to be better with each fight.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Having a preference to fight with her weapons, Feu knows she has to depend on her own strength. She's able to hold her own in a fight, given she's able to wield swords about twice her size and sing them effortlessly just about. She does mix punches and kicks with her sword and spear abilities, knowing that she'll cause more damage that way and effectively as well.
  • Strength: Feu's strength was just about near abnormal. Though she explains that she's been trained by her sister in some intense training just to use her claymores let alone anything else. Though she wields her claymores with two hands normally but she is also strong enough to wield it with one hand if pressed. Another show of her strength, she's able to lean her claymore against her shoulder and often does so after a fight or to show off.
  • Endurance: Feu's endurance is an oddity. She's able to withstand attacks and hold her own in a fight. She claims this might be because of her usually fighting more often than her sister but it's more likely due to her training with Brise. She's also able to requip her weapons with moderate ease if in a pinch though it's limited between using a specific weapon. Ex: Requiping between her swords or spears. She's also able to use spells repeatedly and in near succession of each other.
  • Durability: Feu's durability is higher than that of her sister's. She's able to endure attacks that might hurt people but she's also able to dish out strong attacks and spells repeatedly before becoming short of breath or even succumbing to them. She shows her prowess off during her "fight" against Elfman Strauss in the battle against Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail. During the fight she was able to defend herself against one of the Elemental Four, Sol, with Glace at her side. She even blocked most of his attacks and withstood his attacks despite being possibly outclassed. She shows this again when she's fighting Evergreen and Freid with Elfman, being able to withstand the damage the two experienced mages were able to dish out before succumbing to her wounds.
  • Reflexes: Though she wields weapons that require a certain amount of strength and prowess, she's able to dodge or run around with ease with her claymores. However, her speed and agility are marginally increased when it comes to wielding her spear. She's able to dodge and move around easily as well with it. Her reflexes are more at ease with her spear than her claymore but even then she's able to move around easily with it.


  • Dagger: Although it has no notable properties, the blade itself is dull and unusable. Meant to deter those who see Feu or Glace and cause them to underestimate them both. Feu did say she tried to sharpen the blade to see what would happen but the moment it was sharp, it magically reverted back to its dull form.
  • Two-Handed Swords:
    • Highland
    • Zweihänder
    • Svärdstav
  • Spears/Polearms:
    • Falx
    • Rhomphaia
    • Kontos


  • The Edolas version of Feu is actually a florist. Something that Feu admits to actually wanting to be when she was a kid.
