Silverr Nix



7 years, 9 months ago


Mother of Wylee, married to Graham. The moment Silverr found that she had Fermented Mentality, she became completely drunk with power. She ran away from her family and began her life of crime, a characteristic she had always admired in people from books and movies. She learned to steal whatever she wanted and blackmail or even kill those who got in her way. In her older teens, she was captured and thrown into prison, but she immediately met a boy, named Graham, who was willing to help her break out. With his help and magic, they escaped the prison very quickly. Since he didn't know what to do next, she told him to come with her. They shared methods with each other and soon became well known thiefs. Silverr specializes in sneaking into buildings and retrieving valuable items from there. Band on her wrist is wedding bond