Silvia (QUOTES)





Bad: "Such failure... is inexcusable."
Critique: "I see. I will amend my mistakes."
Great: "Hm."
Great: "I'm starting to understand."
Perfect: "Simple."
Praise: "I don’t require praise, but thank you."

Skill Level Up

"Anything t"

Budding Talent


War Phase


Goal Change


Group Tasks

Stable Duty

"A steed must be well-cared for, much like its master. Allow me to assist."

"Not a single hair out of place."


"Those are not weeds. You should focus on this section here."

"Finished. Shall I clean up the weeds and prepare them for a meal? No?"

Clearing Rubble

"Thank you for your assistance. Let's clear as much as we can."

"We've managed to clear a path."

Certification Exams



Level Up

"...Disappointing." (0 to 2 stats up)
"-I'm-!!" (3 stats up)
"-" (4+ stats up)

Post Time Skip

"" (0 to 2 stats up)
""(3 stats up)
"-" (4 stats up)

Battle Quotes

When Selected

"How may I assist?" (Full/High Health)
"Milady, I'll try to keep up." (Medium Health)
"Medical assistance... would be... nice." (Low Health)

Post Time Skip

"Your orders, Milady?" (Full/High Health)
"I won't back down." (Medium Health)
"Retreat... would.. be advisable." (Low Health)

Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses

"Is that all?"

Post Time Skip

"Don't dirty my uniform."
"Nice try."

Critical Attack

"I don't have time for this."
"Shoo, shoo."
"Away with you."
"I said, leave."

Post Time Skip

"You're blocking the way."
"How filthy."
"Let me tidy up."


"Let's get cleaning."

Post Time Skip

"Let's tidy up."

Gambit Boost

"Let me aid you."

Post Time Skip

"Allow me to assist."

Defeated Enemy

"Dust everywhere..."
"What's next?"

Post Time Skip

"All clean."
"What are your orders?"
"I have fulfilled my duties."

Ally Defeats Enemy

"Nicely executed."

Ally Heals/Rallies

"Many thanks."
"I'm in your debt."

Post Time Skip

"You have my thanks."
"Thank you."

New Skill


Post Time Skip


Skill Mastered


Post Time Skip


Skill Up


Post Time Skip


Class Mastery
