Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Please do NOT copy, reference(heavily or lightly), or compare my OCs-- you will make riri very sad ;;


Please be aware some characters can contain the following;

-Depression/Self Harm/Suicide

-Murder/Domestic Abuse/Torture/SA
(I do not condone these actions AT ALL and it is in no way romanticized)

-Sexual Themes(Consensual)

I put a piece of myself, or my trauma, into all my characters, so if you are wary of the instances they're going through/have gone through, then it's 100% alright with me if you don't continue to my page~

DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE FRIENDS WITH SHYSEEL AND ARE COMING HERE ON HER BEHALF AND/OR BELIEVE HER LIES ABOUT ME WITHOUT TALKING TO ME FIRST(I have proof of all her nasty behavior and am more than willing to share it with anyone who wants)


Put me through years of trauma and manipulation, caused discomforts in my closed species community for many other users, refused to change her rude behavior toward myself and others. She is blacklisted from my species and my life. 

Was disrespectful and condescending toward me in the past, disrespected my species rules, was rude about an inquiry about one of my designs they voided, friends with Shyseel/spreading things around about me with Shyseel/believes Shyseel's lies about me


Best friends with Shyseel. Greylisted because I don't think they understand how manipulative and toxic Shyseel is yet, and they were very kind toward me. At the same time, I don't trust them because Shyseel could potentially manipulate them.

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