Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Everoesea Global Rules

General Rules:

  • Any characters are not to be sold over the amount paid for + any commissions increasing value. I don't mind if a character was traded or gifted to you then those add value and you may resell the character. However, If you received a OC by me and they've had any value to you before you received it as a gift or trade, the value resets to 0.
  • You may redesign any designs made by me as much as you'd like. I'd prefer you let me know if you're planning to edit my actual art though!
  • If you're editing a designing by me to be in any Closed Species, be sure to apply by the species rules. My rules on edits of designs by me are still in effect though if the species has a rule of a certain percentage must look like the original, please respect their rules. (E.G. OC must look like 80% like the Original Design).
OCs with redesigns by me:
  • I often tend to add my own touch to any OCs I obtain so they appeal to me more. You are free to go back to the original design or even edit my design (Original Creator's ToS comes before mine so please respect those).
  • If I'm doing a custom redesign of someone's design, please check their ToS and confirm that it is okay to do, if there is any specific notes I should know about, you must let me know.