Lilianna the Cat



4 years, 9 months ago


Personal Data;

Name: Lilianna
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Capricorn (Born 1/12)
Species: Mobian Cat
Height: 2’4”
Weight: 33 lbs.
Sexuality: ??? (She’s still too young to quite decide.)

Looks and Strengths;

Appearance: Lilianna is a short red and black furred Mobian Cat. Her left ear and the tip of her tail are black, while the rest of her fur is red. Her muzzle is white while the inside of her ears is a peach skin tone. Her eyes are blue and her stomach is white. She’s quite short, but has very long hair.
- Casual: Lilianna wears hand-me-down clothing from her brother and sister. She wears an oversized white t-shirt with a heart shape overtop a very large striped black and dark blue long sleeve shirt. The pants she wears are baggy and her dark red tennis shoes are just slightly too big for her.

Personality: Lilianna’s like any other kid her age. She’s overtly optimistic and is described by her older sister as a ray of sunshine. She’s hyperactive and tends to take the spotlight with her overexcitement. She finds her sister and brother to be quite cool and occasionally copies their style and personalities to be like them. She enjoys astrology and reading as hobbies. She has a fear of heights.

Voice Claim


- Mikayla the Cat: Mikayla is her mother. She has a strong regret for having to let go of her daughter and longs for a day where she can hold Lilianna again.
- Luke the Jackal: Luke is her father. He’s quite mournful and has a constant feeling of guilt, wondering what happened to Lilianna after having to give her up.
- Pyre the Wolf: Pyre is her legal guardian and adoptive elder sister. Pyre found Lilianna as a baby and is very protective of her. In turn, Lilianna looks up to her a lot and tries to emulate her big sister. Most of the clothing Lilianna wears used to be her’s.
- Scorch the Wolf: Scorch is her adoptive elder brother. Like Pyre, Scorch is also quite protective of his baby sister.




Bio: As a baby, her parents Luke and Mikayla were forced to give her up when they realized it wasn’t optimal for them to raise her. However, by mistake, she ended up not in the care of an orphanage, but on the streets. This led her to be discovered by Pyre, a wolf who had recently become the legal guardian of her little brother. This led her and Scorch into adopting Lilianna as their own sibling as well. The three of them live together in a city on Mobius, where she commonly hangs out with her brother and his boyfriend. When Leonard disappeared thanks to Ink-Blot the Lynx, she began to worry and investigate, before one day being confronted by Ink, possessing Leonard’s body to intimidate her. Leonard insists this was a bad dream as to keep her safe. After this, Cal the Chameleon takes the program created by Juliette the Armadillo and, as rookie Freedom Fighters, Scorch and Leonard’s help is enlisted to take it back. Lilianna, to Scorch’s protest, tries to join in on the mission unofficially, leading to the discovery that her birth parents are, reluctantly, working under Cal. They then decide to leave Cal and rejoin their daughter, causing them to then take in Pyre and Scorch as their own and become a family again.