


4 years, 9 months ago


It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Name Crabspirit

Birthday May 15th 2006

Gender Male

Species Feline

Breed Moggie

Orientation Ace

Job Deputy

Clan Seaclan



Grumpy old man. Like his name suggests, his personality is like a crab snipping at your nose. Unlike most other grumpy characters, Crabspirit has no soft spot for kits, and will snap at them if they annoy him or get under his paws. He just wants to be left alone to nap in the sun, but will complete all his duties without complaining as he understands that everyone must do their part to support the clan. He respects all cats that efficiently carry out their duties, and he enjoys the company of those that understand that not all silences need to be filled. Prone to random moments of perfect comedy that fit perfectly with his character (usually random grins and the like).


  • Peace
  • Quiet
  • Responsible Cats
  • Control

  • War
  • Cruelty
  • Swimming
  • Loud Cats

  • Light brown tom with dark reddish brown areas. He's very long furred, with brown eyes that are usually set in a frown.
  • Notes about design.
  • Info about skills.
  • Maybe some trivia.

Crabspirit is the deputy of Seaclan, a water-based clan that lives on a beach at the shore of a lake. The other Clans in the area are Fireclan (gorge), Sunclan (forest), Moonclan (pine forest), Snowclan (snowy mountain), Rainclan (river/forest). The six clans live together on an island. The island Clans were formed after Skyclan's population grew too high and many cats had to leave to find new territory.


Born into Skyclan in the gorge, he became an apprentice at a time when the clan was struggling through a drought which caused a lack of prey. This meant that as he was learning how to be a warrior, he saw his clanmates struggling to stay alive. After some of the apprentices were messing around while hunting, they allowed some prey to escape that could have been used to feed the clan. Due to this, Crabspirit's littermates took to eating roadkill to try soothe their hunger, causing an illness that took their lives. This marked the moment when Crabspirit lost his patience with any cat that didn't behave logically and efficiently to help the clan. In his eyes, the foolish actions of the apprentices at that time were what caused the deaths of his siblings, even though the small amount of prey that was lost in that moment probably wouldn't have saved them anyway. Crabspirit was one of the oldest warriors when the prophecy to leave the gorge arrived, but he felt like the experience he had gathered over his long life would be helpful in the journey to the lake and the hardships that would come with settling into a new home. He came to the decision to join Seaclan as it was the least like the gorge home that Skyclan was used to and so he felt it would need his help the most.