🐌 Pacey 🐌



4 years, 9 months ago




SPECIES                   Mutt x Snail

AGE                                       19

GENDER                  Genderfluid

PRONOUNS                         Any

ORIENTATION            Ace / Pan

be joyful always

Pacey is a bright and enthusiastic snail doggo who takes life at their own pace. He could care less about how long it takes him to do something as long as he's happy doing it. He's very intrinsically motivated for certain passions and can get completely absorbed in them. Due to this he does struggle with responsibility and deadlines as he often puts his work off in order to do the things he enjoys more. He sometimes has to set reminders for even basic things like doing dishes because he so often just lacks the focus and motivation to do something he is not passionate about.

They struggle with social interactions and reading emotions, and are very slow to react to nonverbal cues. The one expression that they can comfortably and instantly read as positive is a smile. Because of this, they love to make their friends smile and just spread happiness in general.  Loves goofing off and seeing everyone laugh.

Has kind of a problem with sleeping too much. Regularly sleeps for 10 hours a day and loves it. When they get less than 8 hours of sleep in a night they can get super cranky.

html by storyteIIer