


7 years, 10 months ago



Name: Paradise 
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Character: Paradise is a badass and losing her arm and eye didn't change that at all,acutally the exact opposite happened: she became more confident and wants to show the world that her missing limbs are not bringin her down and are no disadvantage to her.She also loves getting into a good fight and beating those who-think-they-are-better-than-her into the ground.Always carries a confident.
Backstory: She grew up on a tropical island and therefor knows how to survive in a dangerous area like a island in the middle of nowwhere and because of that she is very independent and a real survivor. Growing up on an island also made her a very good climber and eplorer even though she has only one arm and one eye left, since she learned to adept to her surroundings and the situations around her or else she wouldn't have been able to survive on the island or find herself food. Even though the other "friendly" habitants and Minosaurs on the island tried to help her at after she lost her arm and eye), Paradise being the strong and independent person she is, refused any help and was able to succed most of the time on her own.