Daphne Gardenia Odinthia (QUOTES)





Bad: "Aw, boo. How disappointing."
Critique: "So it’s like that, huh? Understood~"
Great: "Ooh, I see."
Great: "Yup, got it~"
Perfect: "Aha, fantastic!"
Praise: "Haha, why thank you."

Skill Level Up

"I’ve improved."

Budding Talent

"I always knew I had potential.”

War Phase

"I'll prove my worth."

Goal Change

"Professor, my strength lies in faith and reason. I believe it’d be best for me to focus on those two from now on. Plus, it’d be fun!”

Group Tasks

Stable Duty

"It smells here... Oh Goddess... It really stinks.”

“Proud to announce I barely did anything~”


“Is the Professor serious? It’s bo~oring out here.”

“It’s done, it’s done. What a relief.”

Clearing Rubble

"Do I look like I’m suitable for this?”

“Well, it’s done... I guess.”

Certification Exams


"How unsurprising, I passed~"

Level Up

"Ugh..." (0 to 2 stats up)
"Not too bad." (3 stats up)
"this will prove it to them." (4+ stats up)

Post Time Skip

"Embarrassing." (0 to 2 stats up)
"It’s not quite enough yet."(3 stats up)
"I am worthy of my family name." (4 stats up)

Battle Quotes

When Selected

"Aha, my turn." (Full/High Health)
"Be careful, okay?" (Medium Health)
"As if... I’ll die here." (Low Health)

Post Time Skip

"Time to play." (Full/High Health)
"Don’t get in my way." (Medium Health)
"I still... have much to live for.." (Low Health)

Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses

"Barely felt that~"
"Is that all?"

Post Time Skip

"Missed me~”
"Didn’t feel a thing."

Critical Attack

"Get out of my sight."
"Die, pretty please?"
"You're boring me."

Post Time Skip

"Disappear, why don’t you?"
"How dull."
"You're an eyesore."
"You're no fun!"


"Let's have some fun!"

Post Time Skip

"Let's play!"

Gambit Boost

"This should be entertaining!"

Post Time Skip

"I want to play too~"

Defeated Enemy

"That was fun."
"I'm tired now..."
"Can I be excused?"

Post Time Skip

"Boo~oring. You did your best though."
"(yawn) Are we almost done?"
"That was pretty fun!"

Ally Defeats Enemy

"Nice job~"

Ally Heals/Rallies

"Thank you~"
"I feel so much better!"

Post Time Skip

"Oh, refreshing!"

New Skill 


Post Time Skip


Skill Mastered


Post Time Skip


Skill Up


Post Time Skip


Class Mastery
