
4 years, 9 months ago


Griz is a very simple girl with simple tastes. She is big, and she knows what she wants. Sleep and honey. Honey and sleep. Sleeping *in* honey. Honey while sleeping. Sleeping about honey? Her waking thoughts are typically a bizarre mishmash of yearning for one of these two topics along with occasional sexual desires thrown in. Instead of hibernating in typical bear fasion, Griz instead opts to laze about year round with little regard for anything but her own sleepiness. She barely bothers to get dressed whenever she's awake, and throws on whatever she can find regardless of if it fits or not. They typically do not fit, but that's ok. Nothing wrong with a bit of thicc leaking out, is there?

Griz has very little in terms of ambition or personal goals outside of living entirely for her own self interest. She's not selfish so much as she is 'barely here right now' mentally. Attempts to converse with her often end in frustration for the other party, as Griz is too tired to parse their words, not interested, or is smacking honey in her lips so hard that she can't hear anything beyond the sounds of her own hedonism. Because of her obsession with this delectable nectar, Griz has become a very large lady both in size and girth. She's an intimidating 7 feet tall, and towers over most normal girls.

Her relationship with the Protagonist of MHFAP! is comical. One day, while wandering the woods in a surreal half awake waking dream in desperate search of honey, she stumbles upon him and asks for help locating honey. Our Hero jokingly shows her where she can find 'honey', and implies that she can drink it straight from the source as he wiggles his hips. He then backs down after realizing she's got not much going on upstairs and intends to let her be on her way, as he doesn't want to manipulate her, but things take a dramatic turn as she charges at him, rips his pants off and starts violently draining every drop of "honey".

Her absurd strength and stamina make escaping nigh impossible, and hours later when discovered by Tali and the rest of his Harem even their combined efforts are unable to release the man from her bear clutch. While this pleasure was incredible for him, Griz is one of the few monster girls able to completely and utterly reduce his genetically enhanced endurance and cum production to meaningless quicks in the wake of her desire for the strange 'white honey that tastes even better when drinking it down below'. Ever since their first encounter, Griz shows up every now and then unnannounced and when she does- nothing can get in the way of her lust for white honey.