Yura 'Garmira' Mithum



Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: May 1st

Height: 0' 9"

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Magenta

Wings Color: Light Transparent Purple

Sexual Preference: Straight

Likes: Guessing the shapes of clouds, exploration, candy corn

Fears: Not being found and left all alone in a spooky area

Job: Aiden's Partner

    A fairy only 1/4th or a half foot high, one who loves to explore and try to guess the shapes of clouds with others. She usually gets so excited when she sees candy corn and tries to get as many as possible. She was one of the few faries who left her home when she was of age, wanting to explore the world and see what it has to offer. However, she was rather horrified by the terribleness of the world that she saw compared to the bright and happy fairy town she lived in. She ended up geting caught in the end, only to be saved by a scythe-wielding mercenary, Aiden. Yura then ended up adventuring with Aiden, but often trying to calm him down when he felt like going all out on someone who didn't really deserve it. While he was annoyed at first, he slowly started to appreciate the fairy's company, and eventually accepted her as his partner, as she did the same. Now, the two are partners, with Aiden being a more offensive and Yura being the tactical and moral center of the two.