Bunners ★



4 years, 9 months ago



Name Bunners
Called Bun
Age Ageless
Gender Male
Role Protector
Alignment NG
Theme Star

Bunners is a 2 inch tall pet baby who lurks in the pockets of ANY other character, in any other universe. He is immortal, and cannot be killed. He’s very sweet and loving, enjoying snuggling up against the cheek of his large friends.


  • Pockets 
  • Naps
  • Scratches
  • Marshmallows 


  • Cats
  • Heights 
  • Yelling
  • Boops


Bunners is an immortal, almost god-like pubbit spirit, born around the year 200 B.C. He has many different abilities, including interdimensional travel, flight, regeneration, and telepathy. He rarely uses all his abilities, mostly just interdimensional travel.

Early Lore

Abraxas was born from the darkest pit of the underworld more than a billion years ago. When the devil found her, Her intention was to have her torture the souls of the damned like every other demon who spawned there, but something about her told Her she would be better at something else...torturing the living. She raised her by hand Herself until she grew into a strong, cruel, and fierce demon. When she was a hundred years old, She gave her a humanoid form, one she’d use while on earth. She wasn’t fully human, but that was exactly the point. Fiery red eyes, sharp fangs, curled ram’s horns, and soft delicate red ears. 

On her 105th birthday, the devil decided she was ready. She reviewed her mission with her repeatedly until it was drilled into her head: “Torture the humans. Manipulate them into being horrible people. Don’t blow your cover as a demon until the last possible second. Return to the underworld every hundred years to give a report on your progress. Don’t mess up.” Abraxas was determined not to let her master down. She was placed in an office in a high end tech company...one she didn’t care to learn the name of. She sweet-talked her way into a position in management and began her career as the first Living Person’s Torturer. 

Recent Events

Currently, Abraxas is known as “The Almighty” and serves the devil as Her right-hand-woman, though she continues her mission on earth. But as of late, the humans have started to become suspicious of her, as she never seems to age and doesn’t quite look like them. She’s started receiving threats and sinister letters, talking in detail of how she’d come about a horrible demise. Normally, she wouldn’t be phased by such threats, but if she dies on earth, she does not respawn. 

In her terror, she was forced to reach out to one of the most well-known assassins in the underworld: Jinn

Upon finding Jinn she asked them if they would help her, practically begging them to help save her life. At first, Jinn wasn’t convinced. They stood with their arms folded across theit narrow chest, asking Abraxas to give them one good reason why they should help her, granted how mean she’d been to them in the past. 

The two demons used to work together as assassins before Abraxas got promoted to the Devil’s Almighty. They would take jobs together and they usually had each other’s backs; that is until one day Abraxas decided she didn’t need to do anything to help Jinn. She could sit on her ass and watch them nearly get killed (on Earth, where they would not“respawn” like they would if they were killed in hell.) Jinn was furious, screaming ather for being a horrible friend, and partner. 

Abraxas pleaded with Jinn, trying to appeal to what little sympathy they had as a demon. “Would you really be able to live with yourself, knowing I’m dead, when you could have saved me?” she’d said. Jinn pondered her offer for awhile before reaching a decision. “I’ll help you. Ifyou allow me to replace you as the Devil’s Almighty.” they’s told her. At first she was shocked into silence before she had to urge herself to really think about it. This was a life and death scenario. She couldn’t risk it. “Fine.” she’d told them.

A few weeks after their switch in ranks, the two got in a spat in Jinn’s den that resulted in Abraxas being killed. She meets a boy named Murmur, who had been killed in a fight with an assassin as well when she is forced to wait in the void while her body regenerates. She grows to like him and convinces him to come with her when she goes to confront Jinn about what happened, despite his really not wanting to. 



Lillian  [ Friend ]

Lillian was one of the first humans Bunners ever encountered. He loves her dearly, and is almost considered her pet. She summons him whenever she’s sad and he helps cheer her up, snuggling up on her chest. 


Banshee   [ Friend ]

While she can be a little deranged at times, Banshee really has a soft spot for Bunners. She likes to call him to her and give him scratches behind his ears, and let him sit on her head between her horns while she’s doing desk-work. 


Breena   [ Friend ]

When visiting a beautiful elven library one day, Bunners met a shy, sweet elf named Breena. She was startled by him first, but she loved him once they started hang out in the library. She often lets him know when she’s studying so perhaps he’ll join her and keep her company.

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