[Persona] Keith Vantas ([🌊] ✦ Our Life)



2 years, 2 months ago


Basic info

Age 23
Gender Male
S.O. Ace/Gay
DoB May 1st
Sign Taurus
Height 5'7

Feelings towards Cove













Current relationship


Desired relationship

Anything with him in it



Cove moved to sunset bird one summer at the young age of 8, and had ran off immediately. Upon meeting his dad, Keith was offered a crisp 20$ bill to be his friend- and promptly declined his father. Nervous from the new man, he ran off and ended up finding Cove accidentally, atop poppy hill by himself. Little did they know that spot would end up as one of the most important places in their lives.

Playlist link

Giant lug, big sweetheart. Absolutely a great guy, despite his sheepish behavior and odd habits. Very easy to read when you know where to look.

You were a strange person in a strange place but, in that moment, you were exactly what I needed. Somebody I could talk to freely about what was happening and how it made me feel. And you listened to me, you stayed with me.

Relationship dynamic



The Heart

The Brain

Affection through words

Through actions


Chill going

Does stupid things

Calms other one

Goes into fights

Uses diplomacy


Not tactile


Love at first sight

Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Makes food

Can't cook

Big Spoon

Little Spoon

Borrows clothes

Lends clothes

Was in relationship(s)

Has no experience

Relationship story

Step one

On an afternoon during summer in Sunset Bird, California, Keith had noticed a new person standing outside of his house. He approached, explained he had a son your age that ran off- and offered Keith a 20$ bill to be his friend. Keith felt uneasy and declined his offer, but said he'd like to meet him anyway. After running off, he ended up accidentally running into him sitting atop the poppy hill behind his house. After trying to cheer the crying kid up, they were inseperable.

From building sandcastles at the beach, going ghost hunting together way past their bed times, skipping library quizes to play hide and seek, they would always be found together. Cliff often gave Cove money to buy himself stuff, and often just bought things for Keith if he didn't need anything. Most notably a crab keychain he later attached to his phone.

Neither of them realized that their relationship with each other would be what it is now, just that during their first sleep over together they were "extra-special friends". When Keith couldn't keep the secret anymore, that his dad had tried to bribe him to be Cove's friend, he came clean. Both of them ended up in tears outside of his house, before his dad came outside. He apologized profusely, to both his son and the neighbors kid. Cliff ended up jokingly offering Cove a 20$ bill to stop crying, and when he refused to take it Cove tried to give it to Keith. When he also refused, Cliff tore it in half. They each got a piece to keep forever, a reminder of their friendship being genuine.


You had such an adorable Halloween costume, even if it freaked everyone out once they realized your scar was real.


The sounds we heard that one night was TOTALLY a monster, and no one can convince me otherwise.

Step two

Thing change- seasons, people, relationships with said people. Keith was gong through it at the age of 13. Realizing he had developed feelings for his closet friend, he also realized that he wasn't his assigned gender at birth and was increasingly more distraught over it. It was like hell everytime Cove came around, but he just couldn't help but still want to be around him regardless. Someone who soothed him from the thunder of his heart, despite him being the reason it was storming.

Cove was no better off, also increasingly aware of how he felt towards Keith- yet completely oblivious to the fact that he felt the exact same way. Everything got more awkward, lingering stares or accidentally brushing hands would cause them both to panic. Despite it, they still managed to have some memorable moments together.

From going to the mall with Lee, Cove, and Derek, to an insane weekend roadtrip with the Holdens family, to when his mom came out to California and took them both out on a trip around town- there was never really a dull moment during the summer with everyone. It was also when Keith had managed to half confess/half try to smooch Cove when they both finally admitted how they felt. Unsure what to do they decided to keep that to themselves, and just see what happened.


Don't remind me of how cringy I was, I physically cannot take it looking back. I will wither the hell away.


Everyone's different, and we were no exception to that... we were both cringe and dense.

Step three

Keith knew it. Cove knew it. And everyone who looked at either of them for more than 4 minutes also knew it. They were both glued at the hip, inseperable and insufferingly in love with each other. They rarely spent time apart, unless Cove had to leave to Nevada for a few weeks to see his mom. They had been officially together for a few years at this point, both freshly 18 and "were allowed" to date. Keith was much, much, quieter but his warmth stayed the same as it was when he was a kid, it just took getting him to feel comfortable enough to show it. Cove was more open with his affections towards others, yet it was still just as easy to fluster him.

Most of their summer was either spent lounging as an escape from the California heat, or out with their friends Randy and Terry. From a boat ride with your family, Cove, and even Baxter- to late shifts and long heartfelt conversations about Cove's parents, they had each other's backs. It was no wonder they were a couple.

At the very end of the summer, when they had both announced their plans, (For Cove to move, and do full-time work; and for Keith to focus on school.) they were both at an emotional high. Keith already having lost Baxter, feard it'd happen again with someone he never even considered wouldn't be apart of his life. They had a whole cry talk together and came up with a half joking plan that they'd just stay in Sunset Bird selling pretzels, and live together.


A little commentary from Keith about that event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


A little commentary from Cove about that event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Step four





A little commentary from Keith about that event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


A little commentary from Cove about that event. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


  • They have the ripped 20$ bill framed in their house as a keepsake.
  • They have a good little family of fish, most notably Sunbeam and her babies.
  • Cove still does part time work for O.R.C.A

Mutual relations


Cliff Holden



> Absolutely adores cliff, calls him 'dad', and would be a liar if he didnt know exactly where part of Cove's good looks came from. Is very proud of how far Cliff has come in his Communicative with his son, and his ex-wife. Wants nothing but the best for him.

Aboslute daddies boy, loves his dad very, very much. Have worked through most of their issues with eachother from Cove's childhood, and actively visits him when he can. Still helps out around the scuba shop when he has the free time, and usually drags Keith into it as well. <


'Lani & Pam Vantas



> Used to have somewhat of a tumultuous relationship with them, but has since moved past his angsty teen years and gets along with them well. Tends to be roped into mischief with Noelani especially.

Get's along surprisingly well with both of them, but tends to get more embarrased around Pamela due to her constantly teasing him. He's since relaxed around them, and no longer feels as guilty for dragging Keith along in his rebellion phase as a teenager. <


Kyra Preece



> Wouldn't ever admit it but he's very attached to Kyra. Most people only have one mom, but he gets to have three of them? You bet he's going to be mushy about it. Calls her mom-three as an affectionate joke, and absolutely adores watching her spoil and embarrass Cove.

Momma's boy. Very attached to his mom, and will usually go out of his way to spend as much time as possible with her when they're in the same state for a while. Pretends like her teasing and jokes bother him but he genuinely enjoys it. <


Elizabeth Vantas



> Keith and Lizzie did not get along as kids. He didn't mind when she wanted to hang out with Shiloh instead of her little brother, but whenever they were alone together they constantly bickered or tattled on the other. He also absolutely hated whenever she would taunt him over his relationship with Cove, even as kids she would do it. Highschool wasn't much better in terms of their relationship but at least they tended to avoid the other instead of actively picking on each other. Later in highschool they found out that both of them were adopted, and weren't actually blood related- to each other or their moms. They became much closer after this, deciding that they'd be siblings no matter what. As young adults they both get along just fine, Liz being doting towards him and him finally welcoming it. They both tease each other now, and he doesn't take it so seriously anymore.

Cove as especially didn't get along with Liz. They often didn't see things eye to eye, would start actual arguments with each other as kids and only made up when Keith made them. She was too bossy, and he was too stubborn. When they got in middleschool, he was more reserved and quiet around her- taking her taunts and teases usually without a retort. Once Keith and Cove finally started dating, he relented to her constant teasing and eventually got comfortable enough to dish it back at her. They have a fine relationship now, and they tend to get along well- even when by themselves.<

Suárez Family


Mr. & Mrs. Suárez

[Good friends]


> Got to know them pretty well when he was a kid, and never really drifted from them despite the physical distance between them. He still sends Mr. Suárez fathers day cards, keeping the running gag going from his childhood.

Has spent a lot of time around Mr. Suárez from his dads work, and generally looks up to him and his good work ethic. He's always happy to see him, yet he's more sheepish around Mrs. Suárez. <


Derek Rio Suárez

[Good friends]

[Close friends]

> Keith met Derek via proxy by Cove. He spends all his time with Cove, and so does Derek due to their dads work relationship. He was immediately caught off guard by Dereks constant formality and politeness, and took it upon himself to try and tease him, and nudge him to do some rebellious things every now and then. It got a bit awkward when they were teens when Derek had admitted to having a crush, but they easily got past that after a while. Despite the distance between them, and Derek's constantly busy schedule, they kept in contact as young adults. They've both helped the other more than either of them realize, and they are eternally grateful for each other.

Having met Derek due to their fathers work relationship, they had been forced to spend a lot of time together. Though with Derek's charm and politeness, he made quick friends with Cove- not usually embarassing him like most others do. They kept in contact as they got older, and despite not being able to see each other often due to conflicting schedules their friendship remains strong. <



Leandra Vantas



> As a kid Lee was his only friend that was a girl, up until he was a teenager. He really appreciated having someone to spend time with, that he felt comfortable doing more "girly" stuff with. They both bounced off of, and fed off of eachothers chaotic energy- usually doing impromptu activities such as a play for the family on a short notice, or all cramming onto the same mechanical ride as kids.

Usually sheepish around her, but appreciates her for so readily accepting him into her family- even before Keith and him started dating. She always knew they would end up together, and to this day won't let him live it down. <


Baxter Alexander Ward

[Strained friends]

[Awkward acquaintances]

> He met Baxter at the same time as Cove, waiting to see who would rent the condo on their street. Keith was immediately fascinated with the monochromatic man, and was quick to befriend him. Almost too quickly. They spent a lot of the summer together, Keith often dragging Baxter along with the plans he had made with his other friends. He always knew Baxter was aloof, but when he left the condo at the end of the summer, and promptly cut off all contact he was distraught regardless. He had an odd affection for him, feeling compelled to dote on him- not that he needed to be doted on at all. He never really got over Baxter Ward, and years later when he found out the very same B.W would be his wedding planner... Let's just say he wasn't entirely thrilled. It was very hard for him, to see someone he cared about long since matured and grown up, living his own life- seemingly without a second glance behind him at the people he left behind. They've since "gotten past" his abrupt abandonment, but it's apparent Keith is still afraid he's going to leave again.

He met Baxter at the same time as Keith, waiting to see who would rent the condo on their street. He was promptly caught off guard by his appearance, and even more-so by his bold, forward, and "charming" personality. He was often made to feel uncomfortable under Baxter's praise, or the way he was so unreserved in his forwardness with his friends. He usually kept quiet around Baxter, there was no 'like' or 'dislike' in his mind, until he left Sunset Bird abruptly. He promptly grew bitter towards Baxter for his abandonment of not only Keith, but their other friends who had grown quiet fond of him as well. He eventually forgot Baxter, until an extremely familiar wedding planner had been picked out for his own wedding. He was immediately on the defense, trying to make sure that his fiancé wouldn't be hurt again. He relaxed after a few sessions of their planning, and is somewhat amicable to him now that Keith seems to be alright having him around. It's still just as awkward from when they were teenagers, though. <


Miranda Eckert

[Good friends]

[Good friends]

> Keith was introduced to Miranda, or Randy, when he was a kid alongside Cove- having been invited to her birthday party. He was apprehensive meeting anyone new as a kid, but Randy was so nice it was hard to not be her friend. Later when they got into highschool, they became much better friends with the addition of Terry into their friendgroup. Despite both of their apprehensive natures, he tending to dote on her and check in on her more to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable if Terry wasn't around.

Cove was introduced to Miranda, or Randy, when he was a kid alongside Keith- having been invited to her birthday party. He was pretty disinterested in going, but was made to by his dad- but in the end he's very thankful for that fact. They hung out very little in middleschool, but once highschool started and Terry had entered their friendgroup he was floored. They've since been pretty good friends, both understanding their others bashful nature. <


Terry Brook

[Close friends]

[Good friends]

> He met Terry in highschool, due to Cove introducing him from their shared water-based interests. Terry is similar to his cousin Lee, in which his quiet and nonchalant demeanor is immediately taken over by chaos. They bounce off each other, egg eachother on, but its pretty much always Keith who gets overwhelmed first. When Terry started realizing he was trans, they both bonded over their shared identity struggles together. They spent a lot of time together talking and discussing it- and their relationships with their respective "best friends they totally don't have a crush on." Later in life when they both end up dating their best friends, they end up bonding over that too.

Cove met Terry in highschool and promptly became their friend due to their shared love for the ocean. Terry brought Cove out of his apprehensive and shy shell quite a bit, and was the reason he had the nerve to sign up for O.R.C.A after graduating. They stayed good friends even when they were adults, despite their conflicting schedules. <


Jeremy Marion King

[Good friends]


> Keith, Cove, and Derek, all met Jeremy when they were in middle school. Little did they know that the angry, shouty bowlcut kid would be stuck in at least two of their lives for the foreseeable future. Instead of finding his outbursts, and rude remarks insulting- he actually found them pretty endearing. So much anger stored in such a wimpy looking kid, and he- similar to baxter- had an uncontrolable urge to dote on him; much to Jeremy's disgust. He ended up disappearing after a single summer in Sunset bird, assuming they'd never met again Keith had tried to reach out before he left and was met with his usual dismissive scowl. However years later he ended up accidentally reuniting with him due to Shiloh, and ended up getting his number. He had lost most of his anger, turned into apathy and disinterest. Jeremy was both extremely confused and surprised that Keith wanted to keep contact with him, saying he could "raise his standards". When Keith and Cove married, they invited him and.. he actually showed up. Keith likes to pester him just to see his face turn red, but is very proud of him for how far he's come since his childhood.

Keith, Cove, and Derek, all met Jeremy when they were in middle school. He was the first to be insulted by Jeremy for his eyebrows, and he did not want him around. It was more of a quiet discomfort- at first. When he tried making a dig at Keith, he shouted back and had a distate for Jeremy. He was always confused over why it never bothered Keith, and eventually forgot about Jeremy entirely. Years later when he accidentally reuinited with him due to Shiloh, he was shocked to his very core. He was much more curious Jeremy now that he had lost most of his hostility, and wasn't all that surprised when Keith wanted his number. When Cove and Keith married however, he was more than surprised when Keith wanted to invite him to their wedding; believing he wouldn't show up. When he did, and saw how different he was from bowl-cut-kid, he couldn't help but be proud of him. <


Shiloh Leon Fields


[Strained neutrality]

> Keith had grown up with Shiloh for most of his young childhood, Shiloh being the one who stuck to Keith's sister like glue and leaving him to be the second option or odd one out. In the times his sister wasn't there to mediate for them, it quickly became awkward and tense; despite Shiloh feigning ignorance over it. He was polite sure, but never did or asked for anything of his own volition and always went with what other people wanted. As they got older, Shiloh had to move from California and he was interally grateful. Later as a young adult, he had ran into Shiloh back in Sunset Bird alongside his sister; they ended up hanging out later and it immediately backfired. Shiloh having lied and yet again feigned ignorance, ended up being a bit of an asshole to put it bluntly. He tried getting along with Shiloh, but ended up being civil at best. He invited Shiloh to his wedding for his sisters sake, and in hopes that it would convince Jeremy to come along as well. They don't talk now, and are both aware that neither of them want to be friends, but for whatever stubborn reason they both still pretend to get along.

Cove has never gotten along with Shiloh, always managing to butt heads as kids, and wasn't affected when he ended up moving out of Sunset Bird. Though when Liz had mentioned a surprise, and Shiloh pops out from behind the couch he can't help but be silently amazed by how he had changed- until it backfired. He had always suspected that Shiloh lied about most things, and when he saw how distraught it made Liz, and how uncomfortable it made Keith his demeanor towards him shifted to defensive. Even now he's still wary of him, not wanting to be his friend but not having it in him to be mean either. He stays civil mostly for Liz's sake. <

Basic info

Age 23
Gender Male
S.O. Demisex/Panro
DoB Nov. 2nd
Sign Scorpio
Height 6'4

Feelings towards Keith













Current relationship


Desired relationship

Anything with him in it