Emi Masuyo



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Emi Masuyo Nickname: Oni-giri Side: Hero as a support hero Hero Name: Quirk Name: Healing Cloud/ Painful Cloud Quirk Description: She has a mix of her parents quirks. Her father could controle clouds. Even able to ride on them. Her mother could either heal or cause bodily harm within a certain range. With Emi she can controle clouds and mists that have the ability to either heal what they surround or cause pain to the point it can be like acid. She can ride on her clouds much like her father. Super Move: Acid Cloud- A normal looking cloud that will erode anything it touches. Metal, Skin, anything. She never leaves it long enough to do perminant or deadly damage. Personality: Strong, Indipendant, Doesnt take crap from anyone, Mostly calm but dangerous when she actually gets pissed. Cautious but at the same time selfless. Mother: Ami Masuyo Father: Oboro Shirakumo Siblings: N/A Backstory: She was concieved not long before her father's death. He had no idea that Ami was pregant before he passed. Ami has raised Emi to be strong and indipendant. WIP