Lucas Fernandez



4 years, 8 months ago


our lad lucas had a very bad day one day and then realized he was, apparently, immortal. was very cross about it. sets off on a cross-country road adventure full of bad decisions and awful tourist traps with his bff val with the eventual goal of tracking down his dad, who he'd never met, because hey, gotta start somewhere. meets up with an increasingly large array of eyeball-covered light beings and apocalyptic prophets along the way and starts realizing whatever he's getting closer to is prrrrrrobably something he'd be better off running away from incredibly fast.

completely ignores that cause aw man holy crap man this is so cool what if it's aliens what if my dad's like an alien or somethin like what if they grew me in a vat or something man


literally the son of the devil (he'll ...get over it). general personality like a cat you just woke up. likes: weird unexplained shit, garage rock and weird poetry, cooking, video games, space, has definitely watched murder she wrote and knit a sweater simultaneously on more than one occasion. dislikes: himself