Jackie Ratmeat



4 years, 8 months ago


On His Films: snails that kill grossed four dollars at the box office during its one-day long run due to a printer error at a small theatre in a small town in new mexico (the only theatre showing the film, who has requested that their name be withheld), where after fixing a paper jam half a ticket for the film was found amidst the crumpled scraps pulled out of the machine. the film’s director, jackson cardoza, remains adamant that counted as a partial ticket sale, which would mean that snails that kill made sixteen times its budget, making it, by some calculations, one of the most financially successful films in history.

On His Everything Else: does.. things like that. works at holly's bar, is in a band called the Dead Lizard Boys, has a bit of a Thing with holly that neither of them really define as a Thing. bit a customer once. talks maybe .0001% of the time. his personal aesthetic goal is a mix between a 50s mom in an appliance ad and audrey horne. with more knives


for af/dtpay stuff: please don't draw him in Traditionally Masculine clothing :( also he's always got a few cuts/scrapes/bruises/etc