Duatra Udaket



9 years, 7 months ago


Name: Duatra Udaket
Title: Maid of Life
Trolltag: regenerativeUraeus

Gender: Female
Age: 10 sweeps. 
Blood/Text Color: Fuchsia.
Prospit or Derse?: Derse.

Strife Specibus: staffKind
Weapon: Made of a curious substance, warm to the touch and glowing inside. Duatra says it has mystical powers.
Land: Land of Dawns and Eyes

Lusus: Gl'bgolyb, as tradition to any heiress.

Matesprit (<3): 
Moirail (<>):
Auspistice (c3<):

Personality: A troll with a deep sense of sense and responsibility, she finds herself the perfect heiress, and eventual empress. She's very driven, focusing on the eventual revival of the now pitiful troll race, knowing there's very little left, with the overwhelming sense of oppression on them. She never gets stuck in doing anything, she's determined, and always knows there's a way to redo the cycle she tried before. Hates chaos, does anything she can to smash it out immediately, absolutely will not tolerate it around her. Sees the rest of the existing trolls as her children, since she will outlive them all and rule them, one day, and she's as viciously protective as a mother could be. Doesn't like the feeling of being replaced, it's happened before, and makes every effort not to let that happen again. Sees herself as a protector, a god almost (honestly she does have a god complex). She's above you all, and she's the protector of much more then you could possibly imagine, and that's why she's been chosen to be where she is. Believes in the fates, and spirits, and all of that, always listening and trying to make things better for who's there.

Typing Quirk: Replaces 'o's with '⊙' (a sun symbol) and 'i's with '☥', to symbolize her want for the rebirth of all she can manage to make better.