


4 years, 9 months ago


Manifested in the middle of space; a crystal, transparent ball being his vial. Akash didn't know what the reason of his existence was. Though, his extensive knowledge of the outside world developed in a short period of time.

His power is the use of dark energy. He can reshape controlled quantities of space and use gravity to his advantage. His favourite thing to do is crushing things. It doesn't matter what it is really, but when those 'things' are alive he definitely gets a higher satisfaction from it.

Akash is, you could say, a special kind of 'einzelgänger'. He is talkative that's for sure, but he never looks up others' presence unless it's to his advantage. His wise yet cold personality formed after being alone for centuries, realizing that the company of others wasn't necessary. He also didn't enjoy other Omnias and rarely visited The Next because of it, but he still respected them.

Most types of positive social interaction is boring to him. Especially small talk is the worst of all. Though, even after all that, Akash has a talent for persuading people into doing what he wants just by talking. He knows how to bring out their insecurities and loves to do so because of it.

Once in a while, Akash has visitors from outside. People who are brave enough to ask for his help for the revenge on their enemies. Depending on his mood and the rewards he gets, he might help them. In the end he really doesn't care what happens to the people that request wishes from him. If he gets what he wanted, then it's a win in his eyes.

Voice claim: https://youtu.be/9Uv9CWb8cyA