Basic Info




Name Fionn Louvel
Role Main
Title Snow Fox
Adopted On July 27, 2016
Species Arctic Fox (Future & Present) / Human (Past)
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Age 25 (FutureSkip) / 24 (Future) / 16 (Past & Present)
DOB 07.27.20??
Height 5'5"
Weight n/a
Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Single
Occupation Earl At The Resistance (Current) / The School Student (Past) / Home-Schooled Student (Past)
Hobbies Cleaning | Knitting | Arts & Crafts
Ability/Weapon Summons/Controls Ice | Umbrella that causes hallucinations & ice shield

Designer Homuah
Worth $38.65+








Sweet | Forgiving | Loving | Serious | Giving | Thoughtful | Selfless | Tough | Kinda Mean When You Make Him Upset | Playful | Flirty (sometimes) | Clean Freak | Often Forgets About Alot Of Things | Salty | Adventurer | Optimistic | Cheerful | Confident | Hopeful | Mama Bear | Bright | Inspiring | Wants To Do Good In Life | Promising | Encouraging | Will Always Be There For You No Matter What


Sea Salt Icecream | Fighting For What's Right | Being A Motherly Figure To His Friends | Cleaning | Snowmen | Knitting | Playing Games | Spending Time With The People He Loves | Caring For People In Need | Sleeping Under The Snow | Sad Music | Baking | Arts & Crafts | Warm Blankets | Hot Chocolate | Marshmallows | Winter | Falling In Love With Someone | Boxes


Seeing Someone Who Lost Their Love One | Winter Storms | Not Seeing Wynn In Forever | Wounds | Sickness | Sour Foods | When He Gets Rejected | Loosing His Friends | Remembering When His Friends Died | Summer | Sweat | When Someone Doesn't Let Him Help Them


Fionn was a boy who lived with his family in the mountains, alone from society. He grew up in his isolated place until he was 8, where out of a blue, while he was visited by Wynn Bleddlyn, a young boy who was a resident of the town located at the bottom of the mountain. Fionn had never seen anyone from the outside world before, and it kinda scared him a bit, but he just stood there, fascinated in Wynn. He wouldn't approach him no matter how many times Wynn tried to talk to him or go near him. Then, Wynn would visit him everyday until Fionn finally warmed up to him. They would play ball, ice skate, and many other things like children do, but his favorite was building snowmen. However, Fionn's parents found out and didn't take a liking AT ALL. They threaten poor Wynn to leave and to never come back. Fionn was devastated and never knew why his parents would do such a thing. Years passed and he never saw Wynn again until he was 16. Fionn was outside, building a snowman until he paused to look up and saw him. He got really emotional and ran up to Wynn, saying how much he missed him. Wynn explained that he had to get Fionn out of there before they send him away. Fionn was confused on how he knew his parents were going to send him away, while Fionn didn't even know about it. Before Wynn could convict Fionn, once again Fionn's parents saw them together and was frustrated to the point that, Fionn's father, pulled out a shotgun and once again, threaten Wynn. They all stopped there in silence, until Wynn grabbed Fionn's hand and ran away with him deep into the forest. They ran and ran until they lost complete sight of Fionn's parents. Fionn then finally asked Wynn on what's going on. Wynn reply that he knew Fionn before he met him that day, the whole town knew about him and his family. That they hold a secret and that it's only known that on Fionn's 16th birthday, they would send him away to a school where they'll do terrible experiments on him.





Fionn currently has possession of Crevan's emotions/personality

A year ago he got the feeling that he truly loves Tristan, and he still does and tries to be with Tristan, but Tristan always rubs him off.

Fionn owns a umbrella that has a city design on it. Austin is the one who gave him his umbrella.

He can't see the color red, and in place of it, he sees blue.

He had a pet bunny, but he lost them.

Fionn has anemia.

Used to have black hair before he was turned into an arctic fox

Fionn has Monophobia, the fear of being alone.

Fionn has Atelophobia, the fear of not being good enough.

Fionn is slightly perverted.

If he loses Crevan's personality, Fionn will end up being more like a "hollow shell".

Has a cold fetish.

Has a thing where he'll make himself get sick so someone will take care of him.

Right before Fionn got Crevan's personality, he wishes on a star on a clear night, because he wished for someone who would be with him forever. Thus, his wish was answered and a shooting star had hit him from the sky and he gain possession of Crevan's personality.