

Ξ  D A T A  Ξ

Ξ  B I O G R A P H Y  Ξ

40164549_xu64m8vX04JRaOx.png"I'm not worried about what you did before. It's all about what you do now." - Alloy

Alloy started life as a Hyper Metal Sonic. He was involved in a conflict in his home zone that ended with him being thrown through a portal into the Grim Zone. Badly damaged, he was found, rescued, and repaired by Zinth Trillous, whose kindness gave him a new perspective on the world around him. Eventually, he moved out of Zinth's home to find a new place to call his own. His choice ended up being an old and abandoned factory building, which he's steadily built up over the years into a functioning power plant.

Since then, Alloy has taken in house guests of his own, many of them badniks who've left Eggman's employ or were otherwise abandoned. He's also made many upgrades to his own body since arriving in order to improve his performance and comfort.

While he started out living on the fringes of society, the energy he provides and his mysterious but altruistic attitude have made him somewhat of a public figure - perhaps more. The zone hasn't had a leader in awhile, and some consider him a potential candidate.

Name: Alloy (Formerly "Hyper Metal Sonic")

Species: Badnik

Pronouns: He/him or They/them

Age: Mid 30's

Ξ  A B I L I T I E S  Ξ

Ξ  C O N N E C T I O N S  Ξ

  • Exceptional speed

  • The ability to fly and hover using his turbine.

  • Shape-changing, cloaking, and minor reality warping (when in possession of his Phantom Ruby prototype).

  • Can combust materials in his mouth for a little extra electrical charge (though food still tastes the best).

  • Minor ESP that expresses as strong scruples. This is much like how Sonic tends to sneeze if danger is approaching.



  • Eggman (Halogen Zone)

  • Eggman (Inter-zone)

  • Uninvited Sonics and Shadows

Ξ  V I S U A L   R E F E R E N C E  Ξ
