Rune Fisker



5 years, 9 days ago


Age 12
Birthday Aug 7th
Gender Male
Sexuality Bisexual
Height 4'5" ft.
Weight 83 lb.
Animal Cat(American Shorthair)
Zodiac Sign Leo

Rune Fisker




Roo- Affectionate nickname given by his parents, but also allows Gael to call him that.

Runas- Assigned as a joke by Noemi.

Stray- Assigned by Aaron.

Kitten- kind of condescending by Calder

Minino- Assigned by Cathal.


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Quick Facts

Place of Birth

York, UK



Eye Color

Sea Green

Current Address

St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NN

Brief Description of Home

Terraced with the family bakery attached to it.

Does s/he live with anyone?

Mother, father, maternal grandmother, and maternal grandfather.

Describe the area in which s/he lives:

York is a historic city with its ancient walls. It is a tourist attraction which means it has a lot of hotels, museums, restaurants, and different attractions. It's a busy city that attracts a lot of people.

Is this his/her ideal home and location? If not, what would s/he prefer?

He likes where he lives because there's a lot of people around and he loves the attention he gets.

Home Decor

___ Expensive
___ Inexpensive
___ Carefully planned
_X_ Comfortable
_X_ Neat
_X_ Cluttered


_X_ No (why?)
___ Yes
His parents are usually working and Rune is usually outside. He would probably get bored after a while and not properly care for a pet.


Lower secondary education 7th grade (KS3) (middle school)

What is his/her body type?

He is small due to being the cat rep. Since he is the cat rep, he is also pretty slim and flexible.

Does s/he use glasses? Contacts? Hearing aid?

He has to wear some sort of ear protection when bathing/showering in order to avoid getting water in his ears.

Skin tone:


Any distinguishing marks?

As the cat rep he got the cat ears, as well as the eyes (his irises adapt to light like those of a cat.)

General health?

He's pretty healthy though he does have some food allergies (soy and corn.)

How does s/he dress?

___ Expensive
_X_ Average
__ Inexpensive
___ Cheap

___ Haute Couture
_x_ Conservative
_X_ Trendy
__ Eclectic
___ Business
___ Sexy
__ Gaudy
_X_ Casual
___ Sloppy

Does s/he dress to be noticed? Why?

Sort of. Aside from the sweater and boots, the way he dresses looks like a uniform. He dresses like that in order to keep a good appearance. It makes him look clean and proper. The sweater and boots add a cute tone.

Any special jewelry?If so, why is it special?

Not particularly. He later does wear a bracelet with blue pale beads because the color reminds him of Gael's eyes and he thinks it's a pretty color.

Other accessories:

Depending on his outfit, or whether he feels like it, he may wear different bracelets, necklaces, feet bracelets or hair accessories like hair pins.


___ Every hair in place, very neat (Why?)
_X_ Average grooming
___ Clean but sloppy
___ Unkempt (Why?)
His hair is clean though not particularly well groomed. He likes to have a casual feel. He has a few stray hairs but not in a sloppy unkempt way.

Hairstyle (long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.):

Short hair with bangs. His hair also has volume.

Natural hair texture:

His hair is naturally straight and thick. It also has a slight wave to it which can be noticed in his stray hairs.

Natural hair color:

He has dark blue hair but likes dyeing the tips pink. He also dyes the tip of his ears pink. Later he stops.

Pace (does s/he talk fast, average, slow?):

Average. He tends to slow down on some words and purposely drag them in order to add emphasis.

Accent or dialect, if any:

British accent, though he sometimes tries the posh British accent.

Voice tone (shrill, high, average, deep, squeaky, hoarse, harsh, authoritative, cultured, etc.):

He is still young so his voice is that of a 12 year old. Sometimes, depending on the situation, he will raise the pitch of his voice to sound more cute or smooth his speech to sound eloquent.

Any favorite/habitual words/phrases or curse words?

Mostly he'll ask if he looks cute like, "Don't I look cute?", "Aren't I cute?", "But look I'm so cute." He does curse but he's very careful about doing that in public and he only does that when he's feeling stressed or very angry.

Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (e.g. educated, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar…):

Typical of a 12 year old but will purposely look up more words to expand his vocabulary. Sometimes, depending on the situation, he will baby his words to sound cute or try to use a bigger vocabulary to look smart.


_X_ Cool/confident
___ Volatile/moody
___ Nervous/fidgety/shy
___ Other?
Regardless of the words he uses, or in what tones, he speaks confidently, and very rarely does he stutter. When he speaks nervously or shyly, it is usually on purpose.

Typical posture:

___ Stiff and rigid
_X_ Stands straight but not stiffly
_X_ Average, varies with mood
___ Slumped and defeated
___ Slouchy, careless
_X_ Relaxed
___ Other
He is always trying to get people's attention and he loves acting cute, so he has "cute" poses.


___ Doesn't gesture much
_X_ Deliberate and controlled
___ Only when excited/upset
___ Most of the time
___ Wildly/weirdly

Common gestures:

He's always thinking of gestures that will make him look cute so everything is deliberate.



Health 10%
Strength 10%
Stamina 10%
Intelligence 10%
Discipline 10%
Creativity 10%
Charisma 10%
Social Skills 10%
Confidence 10%
Humor 10%
Passion 10%
Empathy 10%
Laziness 10%
Attitude 10%
Jealous 10%
Cool 10%
Cute 10%
Mean 10%
Fun 10%
patience 10%


Introverted Extroverted


Calm Excitable


Logical Emotional


Independent Dependent


Organized Messy


Affectionate Reserved


bold Cautious


Violent Pacifist


Evolving Static


Fighg With Words Fight With Fists


Idealistic Realistic


Character Sheet

Was his/her childhood happy? Troubled? Dull? (And does the character remember it accurately?)

He is still young so he sees his life as being pretty happy. As he gets older the pressure to always be liked by everyone gets to him. He realizes how much he was always pretending. He finds it sad but doesn't completely regret it since he did have happy memories. He just wishes he hadn't pretended so much.

Earliest memory:

His earliest memories are about strangers trying to look at him. Since he was born as the 2nd cat rep (it is rare to have 2 reps of an animal alive at the same time and there can only be 2 max at any one time) people were always fawning over him.

Saddest memory:

His falling out with his friends Noemi and Gael, followed by his distancing. It is at this point that the pressure of always being liked gets to him. His friends start being annoyed by how persistent he is. After his falling out with them, he starts to really think about how much he's always pretending and starts getting tired of it. He begins to think about who he is as an individual, not what people like, and distances himself from his friends. Though the falling out is a sad memory, he also thinks this period of time was very helpful to him. He distanced himself from his friends but grew closer to his family. He also gets closer to Cathal when he offers advice. Cathal is Rune's idol.

Phobias/ fears:

Deep water (rivers, ponds, lakes, sea/ocean)

Key childhood memory:

His near drowning. This triggered his fear of deep water but it was also the moment he started distancing himself from not only his friends, but also his fans. As a result he did grow closer to his family but he began thinking about how to handle his fans.

Mother's name:

Lydia Fisker

Mother's current status:

_X_ living ___ deceased
(If living, her age: _28_)

Mother's occupation, if any:

Front-of-house/manager at her parents’ bakery. Front-counter worker

Describe the mother's relationship with character:

Rune definitely tends to be more of a momma’s boy. Whenever he’s around his parents, he likes cuddling with her and sticking to her side. Since he tends to spend a lot of time with strangers and is so young, he himself hasn't noticed that he tends to yearn for more attention from his parents. It’s the reason he spends time with strangers who fawn over him, to fulfill that need. Whenever he is with his mother, he tends to not leave her side.

Father's name:

Elliot Walker

Father's current status:

_X_ living ___ deceased
(If living, her age: _29_)

Father's occupation, if any:

Specialty chef at his in-laws’ bakery

Describe the father's relationship with character:

Rune greatly admires his father. Sometimes children tend to be a little intimidated by their fathers but because Elliot is so easy going and tends to almost always have a happy demeanor (partly due to his young age), Rune is very close to him and whenever they have conversations, he tends to be pretty open about things. However, due to work, sometimes Rune doesn't want to trouble his parents and will often be outside the house with other people in order for them to have time on their own. Rune sometimes feels like a burden to them because they had him when they were young. Even though his parents don’t feel that way at all about him and love him, it is also clear that they were too young to have a child. This is due to the fact that they don’t place a lot of restrictions on Rune and he’s allowed to wander whenever he wishes, never getting into trouble.

Who, if anyone, is his/her best or closest friend?

Gael is Rune’s best friend. At first Rune only liked him because he thought their friendship would be good publicly, and he liked being depended on. Gael was very earnest in their friendship however, and Rune soon became very attached to him.

What do most people consider likeable about him/her?

People like how cute and happy Rune tends to be. Though Rune is already this way, he does tend to amplify this much more for the sake of entertaining others. He also tends to lean a lot towards the opinion of strangers that fawn over him as a supplement for parental love.

What do most people consider his/her biggest flaw?

The people that do know him also see his need for attention as a problem. Though they don't necessarily know the reason behind it. For most, it seems as though he enjoys manipulating people in order to win their favor. There are also times when he can be very resentful. He has a fear of people leaving and sometimes tends to get envious when he sees his friends with other people, scared that they might forget him. This can cause him to be a bit possessive and get angry if they don’t reciprocate.

Whom does s/he dislikes most, and why?

He greatly dislikes Aaron. Part of it is because of how rudely he treats Rune but the biggest reason is his connection with Rune’s 2 best friends: Gael and Noemi. Noemi has a crush on Aaron and Gael has known him since they were both young due to their parents knowing each other. Because both have such strong and positive connections with him, he often gets scared that he will take away his friends and he’ll be forgotten.

Whom does s/he like most, and why?

Rune is very attached to his best friend Gael. Since he doesn’t have any close friends aside from Noemi, he feels that Gael is the only other person he can be open with. Gael’s kind and quiet demeanor also tend to put Rune at ease. He also likes the feeling of being useful whenever he helps Gael with something enjoying making him happy.

Who's the most important person in his/her life right now, and why?

Right now it’s Gael and Nemi though mostly Gael. Since Gael is his best friend, Rune tends to lean on him a lot. This of course isn’t necessarily healthy, at least not the way that Rune goes about it. Usually things tend to go by well, but he often gets envious if Gael is with another friend, even if he’s with Noemi, though he doesn't usually get too envious if he’s with her.

Whom does s/he admire (non romantic), and why?

He greatly admires Cathal. In a way he tends to see him as almost an older brother. In Rune’s eyes, Cathal seems like the perfect person to understand him and what he’s going through since they are both cat representatives. He likes the fact that there are only two of them, making them special.

Whom does s/he most rely on for emotional support?

He relies a lot on his friends and the love that strangers give him. Due to this, his mental and emotional state tend to be pretty frail, and he has a lot of deep anxieties and fears of both not being good enough or being forgotten.

Whom, if anyone, does s/he support (e.g. advice or emotional support)?

Though he relies a lot on Gael, he’s also a great supporter for him. Since Gael is so shy and soft spoken, Rune likes helping him be more open, often dragging him to different places to make sure he has fun. He is always the first one to defend him, and thinks of him as almost a sort of younger brother.





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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum.