


4 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info



Living place



Barkeeper; DJ


Michaelis is a humanization of non-alcohol mojito drink. He usually looks calm and apathetic to everything what's going around, though that's not true. He does feel about his friends and takes care of them, but he controls his emotions pretty nice and doesn't like to show a lot of careness and "being SOFTdrink". However, if you are a "cute girl", you can be an exception, because Micha likes woman's attention a lot. He behaves towards a woman he likes with tenderness and even does look like absolutely another, unrecognizable man... but right now he is alone for a long time, so you will see and know him as he usually is.

The biggest Micha's dream is being a musician. He started to write his own music several years ago, but has lost a motivation. This can look very strange because Sweetland is the best place for any art and artist, but that's not always so wonderful as most of spirits presents. When Sweetland was preparing for the Queen's anniversary, the celebration organizer Kris, who is also the most compelling critic, was taking applications for music to play during different parts of the jubilation. Michaelis suggested his music for the evening party time, but he got a refuse: as Kris said, his music is "too original", but the celebration needed the music "which can be appreciated by most of the invited people". Those words probably would not make any artist happy and inspired. But that wasn't the single Micha's problem: he also had a big dept that time which he needed to pay as fast as he could, and the budgeting for the artists who work on the celebration would save him and his hobby. And... his girlfriend left him alone during those difficult days too.

Now, Michaelis works in drink&snack bar with James, who is a spirit of bubble tea. At first they didn't really pull together because of their different and sometimes difficult tempers, but now they do pretty well. Though Micha still sarcastically jokes and jeers about James, who always tries to be right, accurate and afraids of everything that may look strange, too original and too modern. Micha thinks those James' "fobias" make their bar faded in comparison with other cafés and restaurants — it's even, damn, named just as "Drinks&Snacks" and James doesn't want to change this boring name. But, when the strange lady Lidia appears in their bar and suggests her help in the development of it, the things start to change quickly. The happiest part of the changes for Michaelis — he starts to host evening parties with his own music! And the new name of the bar — "Fizzy Anarchy" — isn't so boring now. Just kinda.. questionable?