Leilani Lei - LEAF



4 years, 9 months ago



Leilani Lei - LEAF

AGE: 35BIRTHDAY: 30 april
ROLE: Support
OCCUPATION: Scientist 
WEAPON AND AMMO MAX: She uses a gun to hurt enemies and heal allies. | 10RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
LIKES: gardening | helping people | science | natureDISLIKES: unfair things | being wrong | being belittled | rejecting the fault to her 

Personnality:  Leilani is the always optimistic kind of type. She always does her best to help poeple and use her science to help. She is extremely serious during battle but always reassures people around her. She is always here for her allies to heal them. She also know how to defend herself and will not hesitate to stand up for herself. She hates unfair things and will always put things and people in their place. She loves nature and like to spend time gardening. She uses nanotechnologies to heal or attack, but also to garden. Even if she is really nice most of the time, she won't hesitate to be honest with people, even if it hurt, she always wants to tell the truth. She fears that she's not good enough and lose people she cares about or let people down when she's needed the most. She's extremely scared of losing people she loves and it can keep her awake at night. Even if she always wants the truth she hates being wrong, and will always deny it. 

Background/Bio: Leilani lived withe her parents before they joined Overwatch as scientists during the omnic war. After that, Leilani lived with her grandmother. During her twenties she learned that her parents had died in Overwatch.
She was always good at science, and decided to follow her parents path and become a scientist.
When she was a teenager she participated in a science constest and won allowing her to work with dr Ziegler. It's at that time that she met Genji. After the fall of Overwatch, she became a scientist at a lab to work for nanotechnologies to help people healing from illnesses. After a while, for nostalgia sake, she decided to turn on her parent's computer, watching old photos, videos and even old works of her parents. Before leaving the computer she recieve the Overwatch recall and decide to answer it. She then went and decided to find dr Ziegler and Genji and go to where eveyone will come back. 

While healing: "Here, it won't hurt anymore" "I'm here to help !" "Show me the wound" "It's going to be okay"
Greetings: "Hello there !" " Nice to see you again !" "Aye !"
Need of healing: "I can't heal myself, I need help !" "A little hand would be nice !"
Hero select: "I'll do my best"
Respawn: "It's not over yet" "Mistakes are made to make you grow" "It won't happen again" "I'm back just wait for me"
Pick Up Health Pack: "It feels nice" "I feel better now" "back to business" "I can heal you now"
Resurrected: "Woah this is weird" "I thought I would'nt make it !" "Thank you"
Thanks: "thank you, really nice of you" "I appreciate it"
Genji: "Genji ! Good to see you again, it's been a while" "I see you got used to your body now, it's nice" "I hope we could spend more time together soon !"
Mercy: "You abilities are still very impressive Angela !" "I wish to be like you one day !" "On my way to help you there !" "Let's do our best !"
Tracer: "Missed your nice accent "luv" !" "Look at her go !!"
Baptiste: "Nice tech ! You should show me sometimes !" "I bet you can't do that !"