Cosmos Caramel



4 years, 8 months ago


Cosmos Caramel

Basic Info
Name Cosmos Caramel

Nickname Lavender (by Andy), Cozzie

Birthday 14th of September

Star Sign Virgo ♍︎

Age 18

Gender Male (He/Him)

Height 5'7" (170cm)

Species Elf

Hair Colour Orange

Eye Colour Orange

Occupation Valet (Arc 1) / N/A (Arc 2)

Flower Cosmos / Lavender

Status Alive / Taken

Orientation Homosexual






  • Andy
  • His family
  • Gardening, Flowers
  • Embroidery
  • Singing and Dancing
  • Showering Andy with affection
  • Andy's father
  • Overly Sweet Foods
  • Ghost Stories
  • Thunderstorms
  • Losing self control
  • Rats (Post Arc 1)
+ Kindhearted
+ Hardworking
+ Devoted
+ Approachable
- Shy, extremely easy to fluster/embarrass
- Bottles up his emotions at times
- Worries easily
- Overprotective
  • Gardening
  • Embroidery
  • Singing and Dancing

A young elf from a small village named Everglade, Cosmos one day found himself searching high and low for a job to help provide for his newly widowed mother, Sunny, and his ill little sister, Zinnia. Due to his lack of formal education, his options were slim at first, and so asked his mother who once worked as a housemaid to train him in all of her skills. His efforts was eventually successful, landing him a job as a valet for Lord Andrew Loche in the Loche Manor.

At first, things were rough, and Cosmos was not treated with the respect one was due. His master, Lord Andrew, was demanding, dismissive, and rude. It was no secret that his master was trying to avoid interacting with him, and would not even refer to him by his actual name. Having a history of an eating disorder when overwhelmed, it took a lot of courage to keep pressing on without relapse, but persevered for the sake of his family. 

As time went on, Cosmos learned that this lack of respect was not Lord Andrew (Andy)'s personal opinion, but rather an attitude he had to keep up around his father, the Lord of the manor. Andy apologized to Cosmos when the opportunity finally arose, and explained the situation as best he was able at the time. It appeared that Andy's father has a strong prejudice about elven folk, believing them to be lesser and manipulative, and had fed these prejudices to Andy and the people of the land. Andy himself, however, did not completely believe in the lies he was told due to being a half-elf himself, (though this fact is hidden from the public and others due to his father's hatred) and having observed Cosmos over time. He wanted to try and reconcile with Cosmos, and to challenge his own self-hatred that was rooted in his prejudices. This was the beginning of their bond as they began to open up to one another.

They kept up appearances, but when in each other's company, Andy and Cosmos found a comfort in one another and an unbreakable bond began to form. When the eyes of the world were turned away, they would spend their time together; talking about everything, listening to music and dancing into the night. One thing led to another, and their feelings eventually developed into those of love. Knowing they could not be with each other due to Andy's father, they chose to bottle these feelings away when in the open, and shared their time behind closed doors. However, this could only hold for so long under the ever vigilant gaze of Lord Loche.

  • Cosmos' ears react with his emotions and thus cannot really hide how he is feeling at any given time. They bounce when he's happy, which happens whenever Andy walks into the room for example, droop when he's sad, perk when he's curious/surprised, and so on.
  • Andy tends to refer to Cosmos as "Lavender", as that is the scent he had when they first met, and is Andy's preferred flower. While it was initially a sign that Andy did not care to learn which flower Cosmos was actually named after, it eventually turned into an affectionate pet name.
  • Andy sometimes refers to Cosmos affectionately as his "wife" or "bride" around their friends despite both of them being male and unmarried. This is due to a slip of the tongue Cosmos made once where he expressed a desire to one day be married to Andy and accidentally called himself a bride instead of a groom. Cosmos has somewhat taken a liking to the term now, and has decided when the day comes, he would like to wear white and a veil to allude to it. 
  • [TW: EDs,] Following his father's diagnosis, Cosmos felt a complete sense of helplessness. In the face of this, he became desperate regain some control in his life, and fell into self harming behaviors. For a few years, Cosmos was anorexic and bulimic. His family helped him cope with his despair, and to get through his eating disorders. He's been clean for years, but is prone to relapsing in times of great stress. Thankfully, during a recent, thankfully brief, relapse spell, Andy was there to support and encourage him.

Lord Andrew Loche Former Master / Boyfriend

After they initially began to open up to one another, Cosmos and Andy quickly became close friends and found they had a lot in common. Stolen glances, passing touches, and subtle yearning for the others company, they eventually realized they had fallen in love with one another. Though they tried to keep their relationship a secret, they were eventually caught by Lord Loche. Cosmos was locked away and Andy was arranged to marry another (Tori). This caused a lot of hardship and heartache, but the pair persevered despite the odds. Andy and their mutual friend Tori broke Cosmos out, and they now have a new goal to overthrow Andy's father. Despite their less than amicable beginning, and hardships they face along the way, Cosmos and Andy are now inseparable.

Cosmos wants to shower him in love, adoration and affection at every possible moment, and Andy is more than happy to return the sentiment. Their friends often compare the pair to newlyweds, and this comparison continues throughout their years. Andy causes Cosmos to fluster regularly and doesn't even have to try very hard; words of love and affection are enough to cause Cosmos' face to go beet red, which is something Andy thoroughly enjoys. They adore each other, and now Cosmos cannot remember what life was like without his Darling.

Name Relationship

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