Diana Richardo (✝️ Paradiso)



6 years, 1 month ago


Diana Daniella Richardo



Outwardly, Diana appears confident and self assured, as though nothing in the world could pose enough of a threat to shake her battle ready temperment. She holds herself tall for her 5'6" height and easily combines a sultry demeanor and no-nonsense attitudes to help her come off as extra aloof.

Internally however, She faces a large amount of anxiety and self-doubt and frequently has to fight her personal addictions to keep herself afloat for her son and those around her. She has a raging temper that stands too-near the breaking point at all times and often must remove herself from a situation or face loosing herself. More than anything she wants to be a safe place for those she cares about to rely on and confide in her.

She loves strongly and has a very generous heart, and though she will talk big about cutting toxic people out of her life, she has a tendency to give too many chances, so long as the only one getting hurt is herself.


Diana is a 5'6 half-Mexican woman with wavy brunette hair that reaches her mid-back and vibrant green eyes. She is usually found wearing shirts with plunging necklines, hip-hugging jeans, and boots with an intimidatingly high heel. She has full tattoo sleeves on both arms that extend down her ribs, and one side of her neck. She is never found without her golden locket, long acrylic nails. It’s rare to see her without a full face of makeup.

Diana also has a number of piercings, some not always visible; This includes 12mm gauges, 3 secondary lobe->cartiladge peircings, two high cartiladge hoops, a navel peircing and nipple peircings. She's presently considering a tongue peircing and a hoop for her right nostril.

  • Nerdy Shit
  • Fantasy
  • Boxing
  • Cooking
  • Cleaning
  • Windows
  • Heights
  • Dishonesty
  • Cold
  • Darkness

"A woman who knows her own mind is a powerful force."


Diana’s mother passed away due to complications during childbirth in 1978, which left her to be raised in Jersey by her aunt. She helped raise her baby cousin,Rah, from birth and the two always had a bond closer to siblings. She had a litany of unsavory and traumatic experiences in middle school that helped to manifest a very bad anxiety response to stress. It was during this time that she hit a few more rough patches and started using Dilaudid and smoking. During high school, Diana played hockey and worked part-time at a diner to save up her own funds. With help from friends and family, she managed to get off of dilaudid, though in really bad stints she has a tendency to reach for as a crutch.

When she and her high school boyfriend broke up rather explosively when she was 21, she,her cat,and Rah moved out of Jersey and began renting an apartment over a bar that Diana got a job at to keep them afloat. It was two years later,in 2001, after they had gained a sense of calm and comfort, that an infant Kaipo was left on their doorstep. Even with the added stress-load of having an infant-spriggan to raise, Diana thrived in having people to pour her love and attention into and the family grew more and more comfortable in their lives.

And it was during this time that Diana's estranged grandmother on her father's side passed away, vindictively leaving everything to Diana rather than her children who had been vying for her money for years. It was with this money, and her accumulated savings that Diana properly bought the bar she worked at from her boss and coined it the Sugar Skull. (2003) A few short years later,in 2007, Rah got his job in DC and began communting, met Reiki around this time and began text-flirting.

In 2008, Damien returned to Baltimore and he and Diana started dating in a techniqally open relationship. Two years later, in 2010, Reiki moved to Baltimore to pursue better job options and half-moved in with Rah in the basement of the sugar skull and began officially dating.

As of 2011, the whole family, minus Damien and little Tequila, currently reside at the Sugar Skull.

The Sugar Skull

A poor kid from New Jersey, Diana's dream from an early age was to give children a safe place to be when their home lives weren't the best, not to mention being able to encourage younsters to do and be their best.

This came to Downtown Baltimore as The Sugar Skull, a bar previously called Delilah's Harbour and owned by Eustace ___. During the night it operates as a pirate-themed bar, but during the day all the liquor gets locked up and it becomes a respite for the neighborhood kids to do homework, hang out, practice their respective arts, ect.

profile html by Hukiolukio