


4 years, 8 months ago



Species: moth but that fishshaped soda

Age: a lot but he not gona oldĀ 


- polite/inicent personality, but x10

- owo uvu tehee

- dont have a single thot about what to do next

- will punch you a face if you say a naughty word

- realy love to collect weird items tho they not do it cuz they dont think they will need it

- realy into game novels with fighting

- if they will get wound they do be needing to make it stop, cuz even if they can regenerate their full liquid in a hour or so they feel reeealy dizy and pass out, and if wound will still be there they will be sleeping till would is not leeking anymore


- achuany can fly up on max 3 metters with his wings, tho use it like jump/double jumo

- even if they open mouth somewhy soda dont leak from it tho there no plastik what making it not leek

- somehow good at cooking singing(and knowing ton of songs) fighting on the swords and other swords, basic knolage to make work weird stuff, making ez homes from weird stuff, doing realy deliches stuff from their inners