
4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Relationships section hasn't been edited (aka it has the default photos) bc Entropy doesn't rlly have any bonds yet? So once they do I'll edit them,


Age Yeah :)
Height 5'1
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns She/They/He/It
Species Eldritch Horror (just bite-sized)
Orient. Lesbian
Status Single
Significant Other None
Personality Stats
Domestic Life
Home ???
World None as of now
Job Public Enemy #1
Worth Priceless
Type OC
Status Active
Creator Me
Layout by Cheeriko
"The individual yarns of fate do not concern me. It is the tapestry they weave that I watch and record. All threads, even yours, only make up a small part of the whole."

Entropy is an Eldritch Horror using a more humanoid "disguise" (if you can call it that, they didn't exactly make it look all that human). It presents itself as neither good nor evil, simply following its own moral code and ideals, though it typically has no true malicious intent as long as it isn't harmed. They have an ability to hop dimensions, which is my basic explanation for how they know other people's sonas/OCs regardless of differing universes. She also seems to act rather chaotic, but Entropy knows far more about things than people tend to expect of her.


Entropy is a bit difficult to explain appearance-wise, considering the being shifts her features near constantly. The most important thing to know is that Entropy's chosen form is not what they actually look like. You know, because it's an Eldritch Being! Which means you do not want to know what it actually looks like :)

Regardless, Entropy is 5'1 and rather lanky in build. They have extremely pale skin and have around shoulder-length messy pastel blue hair that is noted to be curly and wavy in texture (though, again, due to her shifting the texture can change rather often), her bangs slightly cascade into her face. She has hazel eyes that can appear either brown or green depending on the day, and her pupils are notably shaped like horizonal hourglasses. She's also notably covered in freckles. From the elbows and knees down, her forearms and legs fade into a pitch black colour (the skin almost looks...corrupted if that makes sense?), and her fingers and toes are clawed. They have a thin black tail that ends in a forked tip, which is capable of holding her up (if she were to say curl it around branches or poles and hang from them).

Entropy is extremely androgynous, since they can shift their body at will they typically morph their features depending on how they feel like presenting for the day, though fashion-wise they will wear pretty much anything. Suits, dresses, it really doesn't matter to him. They're EXTREMELY punk in aesthetic, however, so anything beyond those usually falls into that category, punk fashion or, if not feeling like it, just sweatpants and a t-shirt. They have several piercings; industrial piercings in their pointed ears, a septum piercing, and snakebite piercings below their lower lip.

Design Notes:
  • They have naturally sleepy eyes, since despite exactly requiring sleep Entropy is actually rather lethargic.
  • They have a forked tongue, mostly because they think it's fun to scare people with it.
  • She loses slight control of her shifting powers when experiencing extreme emotion/stress, mostly eyes opening up along the blackened parts of her arms and legs or along her horns, but this can extend to severe body horror if it gets too bad.
  • TYPICALLY appears with at least one set of horns, the black ram-like horns are her most common set, but sometimes has another top set of horns that sprout from her forehead, they just get annoying when it comes to hitting them on things so she doesn't always keep them. Her horns, fun fact, have small holes in them which implies that they're pierced, which they are! She can wear piercings in her horns :).
  • It has fangs, but they're just longer and sharper canine teeth unless it changes them up a bit for the day.
  • She has a freakish amount of flexibility, which can be attributed with her shifting, but it makes her very agile and spry. She is Very good at climbing and hanging around things for this reason.
  • The only scar Entropy has is a scar that circles around their neck. This is due to the fact that Entropy has canonically been decapitated at least once in their life! Fun!


Entropy is an anomaly. Portraying themselves as a lethargic yet mischievous and playful entity, Entropy is, to put it in the nicest way possible, absolutely batshit feral at first glance. They have no malicious intent, mind you, as long as they're not provoked they're an entirely peaceful being, but their odd behaviours might earn them a few raised brows, or at least make some wary. This might be for the best, considering Entropy is, due to its eldritch status, all-knowing (but it will never tell anyone this), and it hides its own vast intelligence behind the feral persona it carries, which can come to a shock to anyone who ends up asking it an actual question, God forbid. The being has a very mischievous air to them, they like causing trouble, but it's never trouble that could get one hurt on purpose, usually just harmless pranks or harmless fun, even if this tends to make them seem childish as a result, which is...not the case, as I mentioned prior. Entropy is also capable of reading a person extremely well, perhaps due to her all-knowing ability or just an odd affinity for psychoanalysis, it's not hard for her to read into one's expression or actions, not that she'll ever tell you this. Due to what happened to them in their past, though they won't outwardly express this and will act friendly with anyone who comes across them, they are extremely wary of forming bonds with anyone. They are very often tired despite not seeming to require sleep, so they nap often, usually in...unorthodox or random places. You might stumble on them on accident at times. It's fine.

Entropy's intelligence is something that occasionally bothers them, they quite frankly do not always like being all-knowing as it not only makes things boring for them but also puts an immense amount of pressure on her when using the ability (though knowledge does come naturally to her it occasionally gives her Very bad migranes or nosebleeds, so she's prone to those). To be blunt, they tend to claim they have one braincell when in reality they just have Far Too Many, whether this is out of a fear of being taken advantage of or a way of pretending they're not intelligent when they are is unknown.


  • Due to the intensity of their all-knowing and dimension-hopping ability (since all that power is basically being held within a 5'1 humanoid form when it isn't really. supposed to), they are subject to occasional nosebleeds and/or migraines.
  • They shift their hair colour every single day just slightly in a way that you can Swear it's a different colour but can't tell for sure. They do this just to cause problems.
  • It NEVER wears shoes unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. If they wear shoes they're probably wearing some sort of boot/steel-toed thing.
  • They have a particular liking for cats, their favourites are lykois, sphynx cats, and black cats! Also a big fan of arachnids and cephalopods
  • She quite literally can never seem to sit on anything correctly (or, well, properly). You know that post making fun of stock photo people sitting on couches wrong? That's her.


  • Having to think
  • Being by herself for too long
  • Extremely Hot or Humid weather
  • Authority

Skills & Abilities

Dimension Warping
Entropy can hop dimensions via summoning a portal, though travelling from one to another (as in one realm to a completely new one) completely saps their energy and typically leaves them in a state of fatigue for days afterward. It prefers to simply use this ability to slip through walls and appear elsewhere in the dimension they're currently in. This extends to them sticking an arm into a portal made on the wall and said arm appearing in a completely different room if they want to grab something.
Entropy has been alive for millenia at this point, so it's blatantly obvious that she does not age physically. She is also EXTREMELY difficult to completely kill, considering she managed to survive being decapitated at one point, but this is no surprise since she can also remove parts of her body with ease thanks to her shifting ability (She can quite literally remove her own limbs/organs if required, they will either regrow or she can just put them back). There IS a way to kill them but it's unknown and they don't exactly...100% die. They just vanish and go dormant in The Void for a long time before reviving again.
Extreme Body Warping/Shifting
Entropy is pretty much able to warp her own body into heavy extremes, this extends to shapeshifting but also extends to her simply being able to change any feature of her body at will, or twisting such features into morbid displays (aka basically making herself look like someone's fucked up body horror art). This is...quite frankly an obvious show of her eldritch capabilities, considering anytime she does shift her body in such a way it...certainly looks the part of any typical eldritch horror display. (It favours the "too many eyes- what the fuck why are there eyes on your arms" schtick, but mouths with too many teeth opening up along the body and tentacles appearing from nowhere are also favoured by it). This ability also explains her flexibility.
Perhaps the most shocking of her abilities, Entropy is vastly more intelligent than she makes herself out to be, seemingly knowing the answers to plenty of questions about the realm she resides within even if she wasn't born within it. This is an ability it does not display very often, considering the ability can absolutely be taken advantage of and Entropy isn't keen on letting any being take advantage of it in that right. That doesn't mean they don't occasionally answer certain seemingly "playful" rheotorical questions in the most cryptic way possible. Please do not ask them what the meaning of life is. Don't.


Entropy's true origins are unknown, it simply appeared one day several milennias ago and that was that. For a long, long time, the being simply travelled and lurked, studying the living and dead and causing theatrics when it could. They had no name, they were simply A Being, a chaotic being who had an almost hedonistic desire for fun and mischief. Eventually, as years passed, she settled in a large forest and lived in solitude for the most part, spending a few of her years (which at this point flew by, considering she doesnt age) alone, which was boring, but satisfying. At least enough for them. Eventually, a group of people moved into a glade surrounded by Entropy's woods, seeking a fresh start in making a new village. Entropy was estatic, having company as well as humans to observe, and the being quickly made themselves known, and though the villagers were wary of this odd humanoid creature, they welcomed them as some sort of cryptid, accepting their attempts at helping with the village. Entropy offered the villagers things she found in the woods, and in return found what she, at the time, viewed as friendship and found herself no longer feeling alone. Over time, this "friendship" turned out to be more of the villagers viewing her as some deity rather than an equal, however, which Entropy didn't really mind (because to be utterly honest Entropy was a BIT of a narcissist at this point in their life. But this was to be expected when people quite literally WORSHIPPED them), though a part of her certainly longed for the concept of someone who might view her as an equal, rather than something to worship. Despite their pride, there was an underlying belief that these people were worshipping the wrong person, and this bit at them for years. Things were good regardless of that, most of the villagers believing that Entropy was the reason for their prosperous life (when in reality Entropy was far from it, considering the being only really existed to cause mischief), but all that came to a screeching halt several years into the village's birth.

Without warning, the forest Entropy inhabited seemed to...begin dying. The cause was unknown, not even Entropy knew (which pissed them off to no end, for once they DIDN'T have an immediate answer for something and they couldn't even be excited over that), but no prevention seemed to be available. Logically, the answer at this point would be to move, to find more land to live within, but the villagers were stubborn, determined to live despite the deterioration, though Entropy, for one, was certainly trying to encourage them otherwise. As a famine quickly began settling over the village due to this, blame was swapped constantly, from things that were simply impossible to other people in the village capable of magic, until eventually...Entropy was the one people pointed fingers at.

The villagers saw it as simple; they were worshipping the wrong being, which was something Entropy fervently agreed with! She wasn't some God or deity, she just wanted to exist, though the villagers suddenly viewing her as evil was not something she'd bargained for. She'd helped them for years, now! How could she be the cause of this? These were, of course, arguments they insisted on, trying to prove her innocence to people they cared about, though they seemed to fall on deaf ears, considering Entropy was imprisoned very soon within the famine, willingly, though, considering they could break out with ease if they wanted. It believed that the villagers would realise their mistake and understand that Entropy only had good intentions, though this was not the case, and Entropy being executed the day after was all the proof it needed, really.

Obviously, the decapitation didn't kill Entropy, their body pulled itself up off the gallows and re-attached itself to their head within minutes, but Entropy was hurt beyond belief, wounded terribly by the fact that she was, seemingly, only there to be worshipped until something that could be blamed on her came along. They'd been tempted to punish the village by losing control of their own body and wreaking havoc on it in their true form, but felt as if a better punishment were to force them to live with their choice, well, until they either moved on or all perished due to the forest being devoid of life anymore. So they vanished, and weren't seen again.

Lurking and wandering once again became Entropy's lifestyle, she'd occasionally live in places as hundred of years flew by, though for the most part kept to herself or met other similar beings to herself. They were viewed by some still as a sign of destruction or chaos, something Entropy knew wasn't true but did nothing to qualm, unable to really bring themself to care about it, though otherwise continued their life surprisingly optimistically, choosing to live life in a more free-spirited way, though as the late 90s rolled around they grew to like settling more, beginning to drift less and less as they grew attached to cities as well. (Anything beyond this is a WIP!)


Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

Character, date.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id porttitor massa. Phasellus ut ipsum massa. Praesent viverra metus orci, in vestibulum nisl tincidunt et. Aliquam sagittis imperdiet diam, ac varius ante fermentum nec. Integer felis ligula, placerat at ullamcorper consectetur, mattis ac urna. Nulla vestibulum mollis arcu ac malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis interdum lacinia congue. Vestibulum ac ornare justo. Vivamus eu elit ac mi tristique pulvinar ac id nisi.

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