Amberleaf (TexasClan RP)



4 years, 9 months ago


Name Amberleaf

Former Names Amberkit

Gender Cis Molly (She/Her)

Orientation Lesbian

Mentor Tawnyhawk

Apprentice Bluesong

Rank Queen

Residence SpireClan, formerly FjordClan


Amberleaf is a tiny and pretty long-haired pale ginger molly with a lighter neck, underside, and paws. She has pretty pale blue eyes and a lean build, making her agile and quick on her paws. Her fur is soft and feathery. She has a very small amount of white-spotting, a splash of white on the right side of her muzzle. Darker spots dapple her pelt and her face in freckle-like markings, and she has darker ears and a single dark stripe down her back.

Design notes
  • Scar cutting over her right eye from Lightfur
  • Small, about a claw shorter than apprentice height
  • Solid Red Silver w/ white spotting, carries white, amber, and spotted tabby.
  • Turkish Angora mix

Amberleaf is finicky and rather easily flustered, though shows a surprising bout of recklessness most the time, thinking before she acts. She also loves adventure. She's a bit shy and introverted at times, though can be rather punkish, mishevious, and daring when feeling like it. Amberleaf tries to appear dominant and leading in personality, though in reality she's rather submissive and prefers to follow orders, though can and will be rebellious when she wants. She's vulgar, crass, and witty and sarcastic as all hell, but a very loyal companion.

  • Rain
  • Spending time w/ Mercy or friends
  • Shells
  • Ignorance
  • Rocky Terrain
  • Fighting unless necessary


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Amberleaf was born in FjordClan and raised there, and lived a typical normal life, being apprenticed to a young warrior named Tawnyhawk and training well under her. She earned her warrior name and lived rather simply until her closest friend, Doespots, died mysteriously. Or, well, it'd be mysterious if Amberleaf hadn't spotted the murderer, her friend's brother, Lightfur, glaring back at her through the reeds. Due to no evidence of the tom committing the murder, however, Amberleaf had never been able to prove that Lightfur killed Doespots, and was harrassed by him daily due to Lightfur desiring Amberleaf to be his mate. On a night outing, she met a SpireClan molly named Mercy after accidentally passing into their territory, and the two struck up a friendship, one that quickly began growing as they saw one another more and more.

Quickly beginning to grow feelings for the black molly, Amberleaf was found out by Lightfur after a few more visits at the border, only for Mercy to chase him off. Despite this, due to him knowing her secret, he only promised not to tell the clan if Amberleaf became his mate, and, reluctantly, she did, pretending to be his mate to keep the secret from reaching Granitestar's ears. The only cat in the clan that knew of it being a false relationship was her friend, Roseatecurl. During this time, around after Sleet's death, she also confessed her feelings for Mercy, becoming her mate in secret. Eventually, though, after finishing training her own apprentice, Bluesong, Amberleaf escaped one night after Lightfur attempted to push her into having kits with him, killing him on accident to defend herself before bolting out of FjordClan territory and into SpireClan camp, injured from the fight that had occured. After explaining her story to Hailstar, SpireClan's leader, he allowed her to stay, and she finally got the life she wanted, living alongside her mate. She's also the cat who brought Atlas to SpireClan, befriending him rather quickly and sympathising with him due to his situation with Grizzlypaw and Tawnyhawk.


  • Amber — a yellowish-orange colour; Named for her pelt colour.
  • Leaf — a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk; Named for her quiet and collected personality.
  • Voice Claim: Chloe Price from Life is Strange.
  • She is noted to have insomnia, leading her to stay up often during the night. This made her visits to the border easier, as most of FjordClan knew she had difficulty sleeping.


Adoring her for her personality and her beauty, even if Mercy doesn't see it herself, Amberleaf loves Mercy more than anything outside of her own kits. They've been through a lot together no matter what situation they're written in, and Amberleaf values Mercy's understanding and optimistic nature as well as her confidence, and even if she doesn't make it known, she adores her cocky, flirtatious attitude. Since the moment she saved Amberleaf from Lightfur, Amberleaf knew that she was in love with her, and she's kept that love for her since.

Enemy, †

Knowing each other and having been friends as kits, Amberleaf began hating and despising Lightfur awfully randomly in most of her clan's eyes, though in truth it was because she had witnessed him killing her best friend and his sister, Doespots, in cold blood due to his obsession with her. Lightfur's persistence in making Amberleaf his mate disgusted her and though she did try to avoid him she was unsuccessful, especially when Lightfur forced her to become his mate due to him finding about her secret meetings with Mercy. Though she accepted the demands to save her pelt until she could finish training her apprentice, she eventually had to kill him to keep him from forcing himself onto her the night of the Gathering after her apprentice had become a warrior, driving him permanently from her life to her relief. She despised Lightfur, and though he's gone, she still occasionally suffers from trauma from what he caused.

Foster Daughter

Meeting Shadowgaze officially outside of gatherings, Amberleaf quickly seemed fond of the idea of taking her in just as Mercy had in a way, seeing a bit of herself in the small molly. She's much less teasing toward her than Mercy is, more of a passive figure to always lend an ear out if the younger warrior is in need of it, but she's not averse to gently pressing on her nerves as well if she feels like it. Similar to most of her family, she's protective of her though acknowledges Shadowgaze's own strength and adulthood and uses that to not be *too* protective.


Amberleaf knew Roseatecurl since the pink molly had been born, being an apprentice when she was, and as the kit aged Amberleaf, who tended to stick around the nursery regardless, got along with her well because of it, being one of the cats who didn't make fun of her for her pelt and found it pretty. She bonded with Roseatecurl especially over their shared feelings for SpireClan cats, finding their similar situations amusing to say the least, and found her support over escaping from Lightfur's grip something she feels insanely grateful over. Though they're separated by clan now, she still feels her strong bond with Roseatecurl, and is happy to catch up with her friend over patrols or help her out with anything if need be.

Former Mentor

Amberleaf (as of now) respects Tawnyhawk as her former mentor, though since they had a normal apprentice and mentor relationship there's not much more to go on that, and almost pities her for how she handled her relationship with Atlas, knowing just how harsh clan cats could be on relationships with any cat that wasn't of their own blood. Despite that, she finds some parts if the situation she and Atlas are in...a bit odd if she thinks further on them, but she doesn't comment on it mostly due to thinking she's just assuming too much.


Feeling like she could trust him from the start (Funny, considering Amberleaf's trauma being caused by a tom, you'd expect her to not trust them), Amberleaf stuck by Atlas through him joining SpireClan as well as after he opened up about his past relationship, vowing to help him find a way to see his kit at the very least. She's protective over Atlas if necessary and enjoys spending time with him whenever she's not with anyone else, and is happy to see that the tom seems to have settled into SpireClan well.


Growing up together in the nursery, Amberleaf was older than Falconcloud by three moons and tended to take on an older kit role by guiding her around, even when the younger molly quickly grew taller than her. They likely kept close together as apprentices and as young warriors as well, and Amberleaf misses her greatly after leaving for SpireClan, similar to how she feels of leaving Roseatecurl. Despite being able to talk to her still on patrol or at gatherings, she does miss being able to lay around and just chat with her like her other friends.

Former Apprentice

Amberleaf and Bluesong got along well from the start as mentor and apprentice, and Amberleaf trained her as well as she could, teaching her kindness and open-mindedness alongside her normal training. She purposefully stayed in FjordClan for longer than she'd have needed to stay for to make sure she'd finished the molly's training so she wouldn't get pushed into having a new mentor out of nowhere, and because of the bond she'd formed with the blue tabby molly. Leaving her so soon after her apprenticeship ended was difficult, but Amberleaf hopes that Bluesong understands her reasoning in the long run.

code by jiko