$15 - 20's Comments

Hello! Are you only accepting usd for them? Also, could you lmk if Chigyo falls off hold? I love their designs lol

I may also accept other things, it just depends! (Im really looking to get rid of thiw guy) ^^ And ofc! Chigyo actually belongs to K0REKiD, just storing them on my account for now- but I'll be sure to let you know if they're ufo anytime soon!!ย 

Ohh okay!! Ty for explaining the Chigyo bit lol. As for this kiddo, would you accept pts? Or a mixture of art/pts?

I may be able to take a mix of art/pts!!ย 

Omg Iโ€™m so sorry for the ghost I couldโ€™ve sworn I replied ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Whatโ€™s their range in pts, and how much would it be if I added two-three of these busts?54540479_FLsoAWAoiGjrIEf.png

Nono ur fine! He would be around 800-2000, but with 3 busts I would take like 200 ^^

1 Replies