Gator G



4 years, 9 months ago


Gator G

Gator G is a part time Bounty hunter, don’t let that miss lead you of his skill. He is one of the best in the filed, his earlier work in the filed leaving him ina potion to live as he pleases hunting the dangerous monsters and beasts that call the peeks home. Yet he can often be found in the Catacombs making deals and taking side jobs for a few shops he favors. Always delivering high quality good with his skill with a cross bow.
For a figure so used to the live of the underworld it’s a surprise he’s a hidden command of the watch, the main contact when certain issues get out of hand and need a more direct action outside of the normal limitations of the law. This is a fact he keeps close to his chest, as if it would get out he knows very well the amount of torture he’d get from the residence of the peeks none of which have much love for the Watch.  Luckily it’s a secret Silver helps keep, finding it much easier to deal with Gator G then Molly or Rouge when needing to pass on information to the Watch. Gator being one of the few captains fully aware of the Watches and Blood Queen’s hidden agreement, to limit high level crimes by looking the other way for minor infractions.