Evelyn "Evie" Ling



4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Evelyn "Evie" Ling

Designation: Firebird

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 23

Nicknames: Flower girl

Species: Human/Magical Girl

Father: Terrence Ling

Mother: Wiona Everglade

Siblings: Chiyo

   : None?

Bio: As a child, Evie aspired to help people. She, of course, knew she couldn't be a hero like the ones in legend, so she settled on doing a good deed for someone every day. She was very well-liked around her town and everyone knew if they had a problem, she would help them. Except for the issue with creatures from the forest. Each day, she grew worried about the evergrowing problem of supernatural creatures attacking her hometown. And she wished she could help them.

One day, her mother gifted her with a lovely hairpin that seemed to call to her. That night when she was taking a stroll, she saw a house on fire, Hearing someone inside, Evie rushed inside with no regard for her safety. Running through the heat, she saw no one inside. Instead, she found a bird of fire staring down at her. It rushed at her.

And she woke up in bed.

Convinced it was a dream, Evie went about her day. Suddenly, there was an attack on the town by creatures called Satouls. While everyone ran, something kept Evie to stay and fight. When a Satoul pounced at her, she transformed into someone entirely different. Feeling a rush of power, she fought off the Satouls and drove them away.

When she came back home after transforming back, she learned from her parents that she and Chiyo are a third generation of heroes and that it's time they take the mantle of the heroes, Firebird and Priest. Evie felt a sense of pride that she finally gets to help her town more than before.


  • likes gardening and is known to have a green thumb
  • she and her brother moved out when she was about eighteen
  • constantly annoyed with her little brother