

WARNING: All text blacked out like this contains spoilers!


One of Makoto's gamer friends, Leila is a fun-loving girl who just wants to have a good time.

Personal Details

Full Name Leila Little
Nicknames N/A
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 16
Height 5' 5"
Birthday August 5th *starsign*
Likes Playing video games (especially if it's with friends), squids, kids, squid kids, dogs, cats (though she likes dogs more), whenever it snows, drawing, singing, relaxing, favourite colours = yellow, lime green and orange
Dislikes Waking up early, school, when people get mad over losing, when people just take things too seriously in general, when it's cold, sports, has a fear of bees and tight spaces
Strengths Leila is good at drawing, mainly because she practices it often. She's also good at singing.
Weaknesses She isn't so good at most sports, though that may be because she doesn't enjoy them at all and therefore doesn't put much effort into them.
Powers None
Alignment -



Leila is rather calm and laid-back, as well as patient and friendly. She's also rather optimistic, and doesn't mind losing at all as long as she has fun.
However, she tends to prioritise having fun over other, more important things a little too much, and as a result is a little lazy and procrastinates a lot.


She doesn't have much of a backstory yet.


This is just a brief summary of this character's relationships - their links have more info on them, so be sure to check those out, too!

Friends - Her best friend is Makoto, and she's also pretty close with her sister Vicky. Aside from those, I'm not sure who else she's friends with. That might change as I add more character profiles to here, though.
Enemies - She doesn't really have any enemies yet, though that might change as I add more profiles here.
Family - Vicky (sister), both parents alive
Relationship status - Single/Not looking?/Asexual
