




  • the gemstones activate her abilities──when they are not worn, she cannot use her powers.
  • her magic is focused on the element of fire; she can produce flames from her paws, and even more-so from her wand. 
  • when using her abilities, it drains her energy rather quickly, leaving her weak and defenseless. however, if harnessing the energy from the stars and moon within her wand, she is capable of using her magic for a much longer length of time.
  • she also practices using herbs and crystals for healing and other means of assistance. a certain room in her home is filled with her collection, some hanging from the rafters as they dry and others stored on shelves and in jars.
  • she is an avid reader (as most witches are) and owns a vast array of books on working with magic, herbs, and crystals. she also loves to write, and has already filled several grimoires in writing and other studies.
likes: reading, writing, collecting herbs and crystals, studying on magic, being one with neature
dislikes: hostility, and ... wip