


4 years, 9 months ago


Species: Inkling

Age: 20 (Splatoon 2), 25 (Splatoon 3)

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Demisexual

Eye Color: Purple

Hair Color: Cherry Red with a more pinkish tip

Ink Color: Cherry Red

Height: 5’ 4"

Physical Description: Has a normal body shape.

Weapon of Choice: Prefers Splattershot weapons, mostly the vanilla or Tentatek Splattershot

Fighting Style: Engages with the enemy team a lot of the time to distract them or surprise them with specials or bombs. She likes to chuck sub weapons such as Splat Bombs or Suction Bombs to poke enemies and have them expose themselves. Can handle a 1v1 but crumbles with multiple enemies.

Personality: Vivian is an energetic squid who loves to try out new things and hang out with friends. She's a bit chill and can be mischievous at times, but does it with no intent to harm. She loves anything that she thinks looks silly or cute.

Hobbies: Practice Turf Wars with the Star Squad or by herself, explores the city to see what's going on either by herself or with friends, takes jobs delivering stuff for extra cash, plays games

Favorite Foods: Has a sweet tooth so can be seen eating something sweet or mainly greasy foods

Clothing Styles: Likes to wear casual/comfy clothing, sometimes can be seen wearing an oversized shirt when at home


Damica: Trains a lot with him to get better at Turf Wars, enjoys being able to hang out together when they explore the city casually or as agents.

Sunshine: Likes to chat with her at times, helps keep her spirits boosted if she senses Sunshine feeling down. 

Beats: They have a small friendly rivalry when it comes to playing games or other activities, but are usually good pals with each others and love to chill out at home.

Mystery: Likes to explore the city with him to show him new things. Sees his curiosity on the world around him charming.

Ridge: Found her tough when battling against her, but gave it her all to help save the day, finding her a fierce opponent. After she reformed, wanted to practice battling against her but rarely ever does and mostly ends up losing as she stills needs training. Finds her skills inspiring as she could be as strong as her if she can put in the work.

Phage: Wants to know more about her, but always seems to catch her on a busy day. Finds her ok.

Jani: Wishes to be friends with, but Jani unfortunely finds her a bit annoying due to her high energy and mischievous nature. Can't get harmed by her though because she's too quick. Hopes Jani gets to let her chat with her someday.

Backstory: Rework in progress...