Ezekiel (Highwater RP)



4 years, 1 month ago


Ezekiel Harley Vance
Cis Male
Neutral Good
Voice Claim
Chidi from The Good Place
  • Frogs
  • Cats
  • Winter
  • Flowers
  • Cockroaches
  • Seeing others hurt
  • Violence
  • Silver

Ezekiel is literally a teddy bear. Or a really large, friendly dog, in his standards. Most people think Ezekiel is threatening when they first meet him, with his large muscular figure and his occasional poker face, but in reality, the man is a massive softie, and wouldn't hurt a fly unless he had to, and he'd probably try to find multiple ways to prevent killing it too. He's the kind of person who, instead of crushing a bug, at first sight, will pick it up and put it back outside. When you first meet him, it's hard not to smile at him, as the man is so damn cheerful and optimistic that it's hard not to be in a good mood around him. He has a very good sense of humour and tries his best to figure out what he should and should not say around a person as he gets to know them. He's very selfless, a massive people pleaser, is very patient, and works very well with kids. He's caring and tries his best to cheer his friends and loved ones up when they're down, either using bad puns, hugs, or simply just sitting with them and letting them vent until they feel better. He's understanding, and can openly talk about his past and his mistakes without feeling too awful about it. Ezekiel rarely ever gets angry, and usually only does when someone hurts his friends or when they just actually manage to strike a nerve with the man. Unfortunately, good things always come to an end. Although yes, Ezekiel is typically very happy and optimistic, he also tends to use that to hide any bad feelings, and he keeps anything bad or bothersome bottled up until it explodes, and the poor man hates letting people know when he's sad or depressed. So whenever that happens he tends to disappear for a while, so he can cool off and get back to normal. Ezekiel also isn't very stubborn, and due to him being a people pleaser, he tries to do anything he can to make a person happy, which leads to him not always winning arguments. He also seems to have a small competitive side, which he keeps hidden a lot but lets it show during sports or games. He loves winning, but, of course, is always a good sport in the end. Also whenever Harmony is around he becomes a massive pushover and loves spoiling her, but he's stern enough as a guardian to know when enough is enough and when to be stern.

Early Life

Ezekiel's childhood was, for the most part, relatively normal and happy. He is the eldest sibling of two, his younger sister, Avari, being younger than him by about three years. Being werewolves, their parents quickly made an attempt to raise their children to be able to control their transformations during the full moon at a younger age than some would go for, but it seemed to work in the long run. Ezekiel and his sister were very close, too, he was highly protective of her considering Avari was much more frail than he was, rather sickly as well, being prone to getting sick frequently due to having a rather weak immune system since birth.

This, of course, resulted in tragedy when Ezekiel was eleven years old. His younger sister, at eight years old, contracted an extremely bad case of the flu and due to her already weak immune system died within a month of having it. Ezekiel was absolutely devastated by this, losing the close relationship he'd had with his sister within days. He tried helping his mother and father as much as he could through it, but all three members of the family, for the most part, suffered together, slowly but surely pushing their way out of the grief they'd suffered. For Avari's sake, he continued to learn how to control his werewolf transformation, wanting to be able to fully control himself in his werewolf form, and surprisingly managed to achieve that when he turned 19.


Ezekiel's parents moved to Ivywell soon after Ezekiel turned 21, leaving him to run the flower shop they'd been running for years since he had no interest in following them at the time. He ran it for two years before meeting Harmony, an abandoned child he'd found on the streets one night while walking home, and, realising that the child reminded him of his sister as well as pitying her for the fact that she was seven and lacked shelter, he took her in, later adopting her so she'd have a place to live. They've been living together for a year now, and though Ezekiel's had trouble at times in raising her, he's proven himself to be a great guardian for Harmony, viewing her as one might view their own child.

Harmony[foster daughter]

Ezekiel tends to view Harmony as both his own daughter at times as well as almost a younger sibling, considering their respective ages. Regardless, he is her guardian and loves her dearly, taking care to keep her happy as well as to keep her out of trouble. It's rare to see the two apart, and Ezekiel is endlessly patient with her, doing his best to raise the girl despite the lack of parental experience he has. He spoils her, but also knows when to be stern with her as well, but thoroughly enjoys watching her grow up as well, seeing a bit of his own sister in her at times.

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