
4 years, 8 months ago



NAME: Harmony Xiong

GENDER: Cis Female

AGE: Depends on the RP! Usually, she spans from 9-16 depending on if I play her as a teenager or a child/ 

SPECIES: Frost Elemental

SEXUALITY: Pansexual

RACE: Asian


RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Taken when she's around 16-17 by Damion.

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good


HEIGHT: As a child she's around 4'11, fully grown she's around 5'4

BUILD: Average body type, flexible. I imagine her being slightly chubby.

EYES: Dark Brown

HAIR LENGTH: Long, goes down around her mid-back.



NOTICEABLE TRAITS: She's cold to the touch!


  • Manipulation of Frost (Ice, Snow, Etc)


Harmony is painfully naive and tends to be a bit childish, because, well, she’s a child. She’s extremely playful, and loves to explore, making her extremely curious as well. She’s a sweetheart around friends and strangers and can get herself in trouble due to being way too trusting of others. 

As an adult, or a young adult, despite still being pretty naive, Harmony is a peaceful, cheery woman who tends to keep a bright mind. She inherits Ezekiel's knack for organisation and routine and has his warm, soft heart as well, and is an extremely empathetic person thanks to it. Generally a pacifist, Harmony dislikes fighting unless she has no utter choice.


Harmony was born to two frost elementals who were not well off financially. They resorted to making loans with shady businesses to have enough money to feed themselves, though as time moved on, the amount they owed began to rise and rise more and more, though her parents never let Harmony know that, letting her live a life naive and unaware as long as they could, until they quite literally couldn’t. Harmony ran off in the market one day, spotting a toy shop at the corner and she went inside, and, after thirty minutes of playing with the toys, came back out to find her parents gone. She looked and looked but couldn’t find them even at home, and she decided to stay home and wait for a bit. She had no idea her parents had just been taken by the people they’d owed money to while she was busy in the shop. After four days, Harmony left, deciding to try and find them herself, and walked for a day before being cornered by a few teenage boys deciding to pick on the girl who looked rather dirty with a dirt-smudged face and dress. Harmony didn’t understand but was happy when an older boy came rushing over to shoo them away, and Harmony immediately latched onto him, following him about the city until he decided to buy her lunch. From there, the story is already known in Ezekiel’s form. She’s currently taking preparatory classes at the Academy and considers Ezekiel her older brother in a way.

I don't have much info on her as an adult outside of her being a normal student at the Academy and being close with Damion despite their differences!



  • Frozen.
  • Sweets.
  • Ice skating


  • Hot weather
  • Violence
  • People she considers mean


  • She's one of the few people who hangs out with Ezekiel on full moons.
  • Views Ezekiel as both a father figure and an older brother figure. Don't ask.


VOICE CLAIM: I don't have one for her yet!


FASHION TASTE: Dresses, "girly" clothes, anything light-coloured, she likes skirts and blouses.