


4 years, 9 months ago


✦ Basics
Name Hornetswarm
Prefix Hornet- a large stinging wasp that typically nests in hollow trees; Named for the ginger patches on her pelt.
Suffix Swarm- a large or dense group of insects, especially flying ones; Denotes a fierce warrior.
Gender Cis Molly (She/Her)
Clan PecanClan
Breed Maine Coon mix
Rank Warrior
Sexuality Bisexual
Voice Claim Ashe from Overwatch
Theme Song Raise Hell - Dorothy
✦ “Y’think Tigerstar might get mad if I say he attacked us and I....accidentally bit his tail off?”

Hornetswarm is a warrior of PoplarClan. She's one of the more fierce and brutal cats in her clan due to her past in training within The Dark Forest, and she's extremely loyal to her clan, clanmates, and to the code as well.

Snarky, Sarcastic, and generally pessimistic, Hornetswarm is a pretty cold molly at first, though can warm up over time. She's smart, tough, and pretty mysterious at times. Although loyal and determined, Hornetswarm has trouble managing her anger and does have a decent lack of empathy for others. She's short-spoken, has an odd sense of humour, is very brutish and boyish, and also very crude. She's crass, prefers to use claws over words, and is a huge rebel at heart. Though loyal to her clan and the code above plenty else she's not afraid to break it if she feels like it's for the best or required, and if it were to suit her well, would do it gladly. She's not a romantic, but can be flirty if she so pleases.

✦ Appearance

A large, muscular, and long-haired pale tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with piercing yellow eyes.

✦ Likes
Keeping her claws sharp
Chatting with like-minded cats
✦ Dislikes
Soft-willed cats
Traitors/Disloyal cats
Hot Weather/Humidity
Her father
✦ Details
Hunting Skill
Herb Knowledge
✦ Backstory

Hornetswarm was born into a litter of three, though her mother died early on of greencough, thankfully after the three were weaned. Hornetswarm and her father hardly interacted, the tom being...pretty biphobic, to be frank, not supporting Hornetswarm as he wanted his sole daughter to go off with a chosen tom and have kits for her. She got along with her brothers more, and became a huge tomboy because of it, and did most things in spite of her father. Hornetswarm trained fine and gained her warrior status alongside her brothers proudly, and proved herself more and more or dishonoured her father more and more as he soon began to watch bitterly from the elder's den. She wouldn't mind being leader, and has been eying the position, though isn't stupid and likely won't try anything unless she knows it'll benefit her.

✦ Relationships
Cougarslash Friend/Possible Crush,,,bro - Positive
Moonbounce Former Apprentice - Positive
✦ Trivia
● She's about half a head taller than average.
● Her DF mentor? Find out (I don't know who it might be yet).

profile html by Hukiolukio