


4 years, 8 months ago


Jeer-Na is an Argonian Imperial soldier. Following the reunification of Skyrim, he now lives quietly in the marshes of Hjaalmarch. He's aware of the hold's disdain for strangers, something that isn't helped by him being an Argonian, but he's earned at least a basic level of tolerance from the locals by helping to thin their vampire infestation periodically, though overall he's fine with being left to his own. He occupies himself with reading, fishing, farming, and occasionally practicing smithing.

He's reserved and tends to not trust others easily, being prone to bristling at prying questions. Likewise, he doesn't expect others to trust him easily, nor does he ever ask especially personal or prying questions. Shallow relationships are his preference due to his time serving the Empire, in which he lost many comrades with varying depths of friendship, as well as the deceit he experienced when he laid his entire trust into a group of people. He tends to easily judge others depending on anything from attire to allegiance, and will react with extreme hostility to Stormcloak sympathizers.

If one can manage to warm up to Jeer-Na, they'll find him appreciative of those who can provide calm, comfortable company. Someone to read and discuss books, or to fish in the marsh with. Notably, he's very appreciative of items with sentimental value, and appreciates trinkets, trophies, and so forth. Such items can be seen adorning his home in various places, and he's known to keep something from every significant battle he's partaken in when he can.

Jeer-Na's parents were killed by Stormcloaks at a young age. The young Argonian, who wouldn't remember the event, was then taken and raised to be a Stormcloak soldier and full believer of Talos. Although he supported them wholeheartedly, he did over time begin to notice oddities with how he was treated and how the other Stormcloaks regarded him. After a botched raid on an Imperial camp where Jeer-Na was left to die, he came to discover that he and the other non-Nords in this band of Stormcloaks were drafted purely for bait and fodder, rather than any genuine value or appreciation.

Jeer-Na was locked in an Imperial prison for a stretch of time while his fate was debated, but as more information came forth alongside his own pleas, he was tentatively given a chance to prove himself in service to the Empire- under very close watch. Over time he's earned his place in the Empire and is now generally accepted- as much as an Argonian can be, at least.